"He's a serial killer criminal that escaped from prison last year. We are still trying to capture him. He has tormented our team for months. Some how he continues to get away with it each and every day!" He slams his fist on the table, and snatches up the case file. He storms out of the kitchen going up the stairs.

I look over at Penelope, she has tears in her eyes.

"Did I do something wrong?" My eyes water up slightly from Derek's reaction.

She stands up, pulling me from my chair and into her warm arms.

"No baby girl you didn't. Derek is just under a lot of stress with Mr. Scratch still being out. He's under even more stress with you being here." She has tears running down her face as she releases me from the hug.

"Why is he stress with me being here?" I am confused about all of this, but I guess that's what happens when you get adopted by agents. They have dangerous jobs.

"Mr. Scratch, his real name is Peter Lewis and he likes to target our families, hurt our families. That's how he gets to us." Penelope starts explaining but I interpret.

"So he's scared that Mr. Scratch is going to come after me." I finish the sentence.

Penelope nods her head. "But we are going to do everything in our power to make sure you are safe. I will promise you that. Okay?" She rubs my arm to calm me down.

"Okay. I understand." We share one last hug before she heads up the stairs to talk with Derek and I'm left alone downstairs.

I turn on the tv for some background noise. Still feeling a bit on edge about this Mr. Scratch guy wanting to hurt me. Penelope and Derek still upstairs. I stare at the door intently, the sound of sirens and feet running outside makes me jump off the couch. I quickly hide behind it and peek out slightly while staring at the door. Derek and Penelope come running downstairs just as people kick the door in.

"FBI!" A blonde woman looks around while holding her gun in front of her.

"JJ what's going on?" Derek looks at her in confusion. JJ holsters her gun.

"Where's Vivian Derek?" A older man with a short stubble beard asks.

"She was just out here Rossi. I left for five minutes to talk to Derek." Penelope states with worry in her voice.

I stay hidden behind the couch hyperventilating and scared from this situation.

"What is going on guys?" Derek demands clutching his fists.

"Scratch knows about Vivian." A different woman speaks.

"How is that even possible Emily?" Derek demands sounding angry.

"Scratch was able to hack into the adoption records. Found out about you guys adopting her. He has your address now too." A male voice speaks.

"Your kidding!" Penelope sounds scared.

"Spencer's right. We are placing you in witness protection for the time being. For your safety and Vivian's" The voice I remember as being Hotch from the night before states.

I poke my head out from the couch. Penelope gasps and runs up to me.

"You're okay, you're okay, you're okay!!!" She hugs me for well over a minute before Derek pulls her off.

"Sweetheart, let her breath. She's scared right now." Derek grabs my other hand and I'm now able to see the rest of the people in the room.

"She's beautiful, you guys! Congrats!" The brunette woman speaks.

"Vivian that is Emily Prentiss." Penelope points to the brunette woman.

"And that is Jennifer Jareau, but we call her JJ." Derek points the blonde haired woman she smiles at me. I recognize her voice from the phone call last night.

"That is Spencer Reid. Our boy genius." Penelope points to a skinny man with brown hair.

"You remember Hotch for last night." Derek points to the man in a blue suit.

"Last but not least is David Rossi." Penelope points to the older Italian man.

"Nice to meet you Vivian. I'm so sorry we scared you." JJ smiles a sweet smile to calm me down.

"Not the way we planned on meeting you kiddo." Rossi sticks his hand out, we shake hands.

"Is Mr. Scratch going to hurt me?" I question, my thoughts of being in this family changing to thoughts I don't even want to think about. Am I going to be safe here?

"Well Scratch would have to get through all of us before he can lay as much as a finger on you kiddo." David speaks as he looks at me with a forced smile. I can tell everyone is on edge, everyone is stressed and worried about me being here.

"Vivian how about I help you pack a bag?" JJ states probably trying to get me out of the room, so the others can talk about my safety.

"I don't have much things, Penelope and I were going to go shopping. Plus I want to know what's going on!" I stay where I am refusing to move.

Derek sighs. "Okay. Well they are going to set up a safe house, and have a U.S. Marshal on site 24/7 for our protection."

"It's not ideal. Definitely not how we planned our second day as a family starting out as, but we are doing all of this for your safety." Penelope states softly as everyone else has a few tears in their eyes.

"No! I refuse! I just got to meet your amazing team! I want to be able to go to school! Have a normal life! I'm not going to the safe house! I want to stay here. Please!" Tears stream down my face, as thoughts fill my head. Why couldn't a normal couple have adopted me? This is too much!

"Vivi we don't have much of a choice." Penelope sighs as she stares into my bright blue eyes.

Why is this happening?

I nod my head okay and head up the stairs to pack a bag. Saying goodbye to my new room, that I only got to spend one night in. I will be back here, the team will catch him right?

Chapter 2 is done!

Adopted by Penelope Garcia Where stories live. Discover now