"I know," Theo didn't even say anything in her defense.

"This," Tuni tugged Theo's bottom lip down to show a gash in it and a bloody mouth. She then pulled Theo's high-waisted pants down slightly to uncover more of the bruise that was forming there, "and this."

Tuni grabbed Theo's chin and tilted it down to press into a bruise that was forming high on her cheekbone, "and especially this doesn't look like a rested body."

Theo grabbed Tuni's hand and held it in hers, "Forgive me, Fortune."

"Captain," Tuni sighed and shook her head, "you have to ask yourself for forgiveness, not me. This is self-sabotage."

"I need to be prepared," Theo insisted, "I can't do that by sitting around."

"And you," Tuni ignored Theo and turned to Xyra with narrowed eyes, pointing a finger at her with her free hand, "stop enabling her."

"She outranks me, I just obey orders," Xyra shrugged.

"Like I have never seen you say no to her," Tuni scoffed.

"She is still right here," Theo reminded.

Tuni turned back to Theo, "I cannot do anything for your injuries so, I will leave and attend to other matters but may your god Riva take my word for it, if you try and train again I will find a new crew and I will take Morgana with me."

It was an empty threat but the seriousness behind her words and the fire in her eyes made Theo almost believe it for a second. Theo nodded in understanding and Tuni left as quickly as she had come in. Xyra looked at Theo and they both were holding in smiles. Xyra shook her head as she walked past Theo and gave her a pat on the back.

"Good session, Cap," Xyra said as she took a seat in front of Theo's desk.

Theo turned to her, "Why are you sitting? We've got work to do."

"Did you not hear the woman?"

"You said it yourself, I outrank both of you and my orders are that we train, we weren't done."

"Tuni is right. No more fighting. We are one sun out from Corinspe," Xyra shook her head, standing her ground.

"It'll be at least five or six suns before the trial moves along far enough for him to challenge me," Theo rationalized.

"Or it might be two. Or we might find that things have gone south and are forced to fight in an inter-pirate war the moment we step foot onshore," Xyra shot back, "If you want to be prepared, sit there and run the plan back to me."

"Evidence goes to Evana," Theo held up a finger, starting them off. Evana got the evidence because she was trustworthy, had experience with not snitching if caught with it before it was presented, and because any officer that held it was going to be an obvious target. If Fletching knew they had evidence against him, a hit could be taken out of them even if it was against island rules. If they left it on the ship, it could be burned or stolen; so Evana volunteered to be the one responsible for the evidence. Theo held up a second, "Evana gets the fuck away from the dock and into an inn as soon as possible, locks herself in there."

"Three members of the vanguard are with her at all times the moment she steps off the boat," Xyra added onto the plan.

Theo held up a third finger at Xyra's addition and then put up a fourth, "You go to Grog's and get the boys together to update them. Cook and I book it to Uncilo's place."

A fifth finger went up as Theo continued, "We ask him to call for a meeting the next sun. We tell him we have evidence of the rat and wish to bring it to light and call a trial for the accused at the meeting."

Hell Hath No Fury - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now