Chapter 10

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July 3rd

„ Darling, wake up!" Jim whispers softly and shakes me a little.
„ No I don't want to."
„ Today is the day! We're going on tour. We have to be at the airport in 2 hours."
„ Fine" I say and roll my eyes.
Suddenly I feel really nauseous and run to the bathroom. I throw up into the toilet.
Jim nicks at the door.
„ Is everything fine?" He asks concerned
„ Yes. I probably just drank too much yesterday."
„ Okay."
I take a shower and get ready fast because Jim has to get ready too.
„ You can get ready now. I'm finished."
„ Okay" he screams from the kitchen.
As I walk down I see that he made me a coffee and waffles.
I smile and scream: „Thank you"

„ Jim we have to hurry up!" He runs down the stairs, grabs his keys and gets in the car.
We drive to the airport and go to a plane immediately without security checks.
„ Don't we have to do security checks?" I ask.
„ No darling. This is a private plane. We don't have to do that here."
I was surprised. I thought we'd fly with a normal plane.
„ Looks like we're the first ones in here." Jim laughed.
„ That's something new. Normally we're the last."
We sit down on the couch and make 2 jack Daniels. After a few minutes the other ones arrive.
„ Who are you and what did you do with Jim and Y/N ? They are never on time or too early!" Robby says and giggles.
„ How long do we have to be in here?" I ask.
„ About 7 hours" Ray answers.
„ Well that's a lot of time...."
It's 11pm now and the plane finally takes off.
Everybody is extremely tired except for me, I'm really nervous because this is the first time I'm flying. I play cool on the outside but in the inside I'm freaking out. At like 1am everybody falls asleep. Now I can finally do what I want. I get up to explore the plane and to the bathroom. Only 30 minutes passed so I'm making myself some drinks and start to write poems. I must've fallen asleep because it was already 5:30 am when I woke up.
I lean over to Jim and kiss him on his cheek.
„ My love wake up. We're almost there."
He slowly opens his eyes and look in mine. I start smiling and so does he.
„ With you by my side I don't need any light because you shine brighter than the sun." he says.
I blush and chuckle.
„ And your the moon to my sun darling." I say.
He smiles, gets up and gets ready. The others wake up because the pilot shouts :„ We are going to land in a few minutes. Please stay in your seats lads and Y/N !"He chuckles.
The rain is pouring down on us as we get out of the plane.
„ Wow the weather couldn't be better!" I say sarcastically and roll my eyes.
We run to our rental cars and drive to our hotel. It's called "the Langham". Everything at that hotel is amazing. The outside, the bedrooms, the food - just everything! We take our luggage up to our room and get ready for the show tonight.
„ Are you nervous?" I'm asking him.
„ Just a bit. What about you?"
„ Yes I am. It's my first day of performing a song live on stage!" I say while I'm put on my shoes.
„ I'm ready. We can go now." He says.
We head off to the venue and warm up a bit.
„I don't think I've ever been that nervous in my entire life!" I say while I walk from one corner to another over and over again.
Jim laughs at me. You have to go on stage now somebody screams. The band walks up on stage and plays „ The Crystal Ship. After that Jim says: „ And now ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Y/N. The crowd starts cheering and I walk up to Jim. We start singing our song. After it ended the crowd starts cheering even louder and more than before. I'm really happy and walk backstage again. Now I'm waiting for the concert to end. After the show we gar in our cars and throw an after show party at the hotel. This is going to be our daily routine for 4 months.
After the UK we go to Belgium, Holland, Germany, France, Spain, Switzerland and Italy.
Today we played our last concert in Europe, to be specific in Milan. Now it's time to fly back to the USA to play our concerts there.

Jim Morrison X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora