Chapter 7

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Jim and I haven't spoken in days. In that time I was staying at a friends house. The telephone is ringing.
„ Hello, you're speaking with Y/N"
I already know who I'm talking to.
„ Hello Jim..."
„ Can you please come home?"
„ So I can watch you taking your drugs?"
„ No. I have to talk to you."
„ If you insist."
I'm packing my stuff, sag goodbye to my friend and drive "home".
I open the door.
„Hello. I'm here"
I hear Jim coming down the stairs.
„You're back!" He seems happy
„ The furniture is finally here?" I'm asking slightly annoyed.
„ Yes it came yesterday."
I'm asking: „ What do you want to talk about?"
We sit down at the table.
„ I want you to come back here. Without you everything is empty. The house, me.... just everything."
I look into his eyes.
He says: „Y/N I'm really sorry. I couldn't help myself in any other way."
He starts tearing up. I can see what's going on in his head. It's a lot. It's too much for me.
„ Are you high right now?"
That's the only thing I could say right now.
He starts crying.
„ Y/N do you think I want that? I could also imagine a better life."
I know that he's sorry but I don't know if I can trust him.
„ Listen Jim, I believe you. It's just kinda hard to trust you."
„Please just trust me." He's begging.
„ You get ONE last chance. Don't mess it up."
„ I won't"
I can't sleep. There's too much going on in my head right now. Jim's sleeping like a baby next to me. I grab a pen, my notebook and sneak outside. I sit down on our swing and look at the moon and the stars. They're beautiful.
I start writing something:
She's sitting on a swing under the moonlight
There's no cloud in her sight
And she's enjoying the peace and being alone
The best feeling is to be on our own
She doesn't have to hide from anything
Now, she is her own king.
That's really good!"
I jump up.
„YOU SCARED ME TO DEATH!" I'm screaming.
He takes the book out of my hand.
„Give it back!"
I try to take it but he holds it up so I can't get it.
„ That's unfair! I'm smaller than you!"
„ Just let me read it. Then I'll give it back."
„ Fine." I Roll my eyes.
He leans against a tree and starts reading.
I sit back on the swing. Suddenly he starts singing my poems. It sounds amazing but I won't say anything. I don't want to interrupt him.
He's singing the poem I wrote a few minutes ago. I see how he writes more lyrics.
She's sitting on a swing under the moonlight
There's no cloud in her sight
And she's enjoying the peace and being alone
The best feeling is to be on our own
She doesn't have to hide from anything
Now, she is her own king." He's singing. I start to sing the song with him when he stops and looks at me.
„ I never knew you could sing."
„ You never asked." I'm answering.
„ Can you sing it again?" He asks.
I start singing and so does he.
„ I think you should sing with me on our new album." He says.
„ No. I don't want to ruin it. And I don't think that the fans would like it."
„ Please. Just this one time. " He stands behind me and hugs me from the back.
„ If you insist."
I don't know how to feel about this.
„ Thank you darling."
He sits back on the tree and I lie my head on him. He plays with my hair while humming some songs until we fall asleep.

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