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I was now facing my father. I sat down in front of him with Ruffnut and Tuffnut. He gave me a hard look, which would've scared me when I was fourteen, but now I didn't care. I was here for one reason and one reason only. I looked at Spitlout and Gobber. I didn't know what they were feeling, but they were on my side.

"Why did you comeback?" Stoick asked. "You were banished for killing a gaurd, a man who belonged to our, to your tribe! I said, if you cameback you would be killed. Why didn't you stay away?"

"You have someone that I want," I said with a hard edge in my voice.

"I have nothing that you want! What do you possibly want?"

"Astrid Hofferson," I said angrily. "From what I heard from Tuffnut, you had her locked up in Berk's cells for four years! You let her be raped! You banished her parents! And all because she likes dragons just as much as me!"

"She was a traitor, Hiccup! She let all the dragons in the arena escape! They could've killed us!"

"But they didn't!" Ruffnut said finally speaking up. "They just wanted to leave!"

"They're not as bad as we think they are," I said. "For the past four years, I been living on an island that lives and works happily with dragons. I have a Night Fury that I been training since I was fourteen. We were wrong about them and I was the one who showed Astrid the truth about dragons."

Stoick rolled his eyes. "You ruined a good, strong viking. Astrid had promise! All of Berk was proud of her, until she let the dragon go!"

"All of Berk doesn't care about what she did!" Tuffnut said. "All of Berk didn't want her to be sent to the cells! All of Berk would rather see her banished, then see her in those cells! She doesn't deserve that!"

Stoick ignored Tuffnut and turned his attention back to me. "Lets get to the point... What do you want with Astrid Hofferson?"

I sighed. "I going to be the new chieftan of the village I'm at now. My mentor says, I need to get married. I turned down every girl in the village because I want Astrid. Let me take her back to my village so we can be married and she can be happy."

"No." Stoick said flatly holding back as much anger as he could.

"Stoick," Spitlout said sternly.

"I said, no!"

"Stoick, just let Astrid go with Hiccup," Gobber said. "Her parents died three years ago and you have no use for her. Just let her go with Hiccup."

"NO! I will not let her go with him and thats final!"

"Look, dad, I have two hundred vikings here on dragons, and if you don't let me have Astrid, we will attack Berk."

"Stoick, think about the village!" Spitlout said quickly. "We're sure to lose against vikings on dragons, just let Astrid go!"

"Is that so?" Stoick asked, ignoring Spitlout and focusing on me. "Fine, then... Spitlout! Arresst them! Arresst all of them and throw them in the cells!"

Spitlout sighed. "Lets go you three."

"What?" Tuffnut cried. "You're just going to turn on us? Like that?"

"I said, lets go!"

Spitlout forced us outside, where vikings started to gather. My father came out and pushed me to the ground so that I was on my knees. He stood behind me with an ax. I turned my head to look at him.

"Hiccup Haddock, you will be killed for returning to Berk." He raised the ax...

"Ruff, Tuff, I'm sorry for getting you involved in this," I said sadly.

"It was worth it," Tuffnut said with a shrug, letting Ruffnut bury her face into his chest.

I closed my eyes and waited for the blow. My father is going to kill me, Ruffnut and Tuffnut will be locked up in the cells with Astrid and... Astrid... I will never see her again... I couldn't save her. I just hope...

"NIGHT FURY!" A viking yelled.

"GET DOWN!" I heard Gobber say.

Everyone instantly hit the ground, including my father. I stood up and went over to Ruffnut and Tuffnut. Looking into the sky, I could see Toothless coming closer, getting ready to land. On his back was someone I couldn't make out clearly enough in the darkness, but next to him, I was able to make out a two headed dragon, a Zippleback. The two dragons landed in front of us, and the rider on Toothless, got off. My eyes widen.

"Astrid," I said softly as she walked over. Iwanted to run to her and throw my arms around her, but my legs couldn't move. When she was close enough, I threw my arms around her, and pulled her into a desperate kiss.

"I miss you so much, Hiccup," Astrid said when I pulled away from her.

"I miss you too." I held her tighter not wanting to let her go.

"Hey!" Said Tuffnut. "I hate to destroy this wonderful, romantic moment you two are having, but we need to go, like right now!" He looked at my dad and a few other vikings.

"Yes, lets go." I help Astrid onto Toothless's back before getting on. I looked at Ruffnut and Tuffnut who were already on the Zippleback. "Ruff, Tuff, tell the vikings in the cove to pack up and leave. I'm going to start flying back home. We'll see you on the way."

"Just don't take any detours on the way back!" Ruffnut said grinning before they took off.

I smiled when I saw Astrid blushing. I touched her hands that were wrapped around my waist. I nodded to Toothless letting him know we were ready to go. He took off and I looked back down at Berk. I waved to the vikings who were staring up at us. Looking at the cove, I could see a few vikings on dragon's in the sky. Toothless started flying away and I started smiling, feeling Astrid pressed against my back. Ruffnut and Tuffnut were behind us, on their Zippleback, but kept their distance as we flew.

"You came back for me," Astrid said quietly. "I didn't think you would..."

"Of course, I would, Astrid. I want to get married... I want a family... With you..."

"I was raped. I been pregnant twice... The gaurds killed both my babies... I don't want..." She stopped and I rubbed her hands.

"Astrid, I promise, I'll protect you and our babies. I promise no one will ever hurt you again. And I promise to love you more than anything..."

"We can be a family?" Astrid asked.

"Yeah... Thats what we both want, isn't it?"

She held me tighter and sighed contentedly. "Yes..."

In the distance, the sun started to rise and the cool morning wind, mixed in with sea water, blew into my face. I could feel tears form in my eyes, but I held them back even though I was overwhelmed with emotion. I was happy, truly happy. I have Astrid, a strong, wonderful girl who held on, no matter how hard it got for her.

"Astrid," I said as we neared the island, our new home. I could see Sigurd at the shore smiling, a few other kids and vikings stood next to him.

"Yeah?" She sighed, taking in her new home as we landed slowly and gently on the ground.

"Thank you... Thank you for holding on... I love you..."

Her soft kiss on my cheek was all the confirmation I needed to know, that, she loves me too...


AN: This is why ive been so in active another How to Train your Dragon fic. I hope you liked it. The ending I think was kinda rushed, but I just wanted to finish it. I might do a second part where Astrid and Hiccup get married and might have a baby but FOR NOW, its done.

Hope you enjoyed it guys and thanks for reading all of it till the end

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