Welcome home

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I could see Berk coming into view and instantly stopped. "Halt!" I said to the vikings. "Tuff, tell the vikings on the boats to stop."

"On it." He flew down to the boats.

"We need to be quiet," I said. "The sun is setting, the vikings will still be in the great hall. Follow me to the cove. The ships will stay behind the island. As soon as we land, unload all the supplies. When its dark I'll take a few of you to come with me to meet with Stoick. Heres the deal... If Stoick doesn't let Astrid go, we'll attack in the morning. If he lets her go, we leave, peacefully. No attacks, no violence... Now, lets land... A friend of mine will be there to meet us in the cove. Remember to be quiet..."

I motioned the cove to Toothless, and quietly went down. The other vikings silently followed after me. Tuffnut appeared next to me. When we looked down we could a blond haired girl waving to us.

"Its, Ruff!" Tuffnut said ready to dive down to his sister.

"Wait!" I said quickly grabbing his arm, instantly stopping him. "We need to stay quiet and not draw attention to us."

"Its been too long," Tuffnut said as we finally landed on the grass. He stumbled off his Zippleback and rushed to his sister, throwing his arms around her. I smiled at their happy reunion when I got off Toothless.

"I missed you so much, Tuff!" Ruffnut cried tearfully into his shoulder, kissing his neck and shoulder.

"I miss you too, Ruff," Tuffnut said also crying tears of relief and joy.

"You were gone for so long, the village thought you died... I thought you died..."

"I promised I was going to come back with Hiccup and I did." He looked towards me.

"Now, promise me you won't ever leave like that again!" Ruff demanded.

"I promise... I love you, sis..."

"And you!" Ruffnut said angrily, walking over to me. I thought she was going to kill me, but I was surprised when she tightly threw her arms around me. "Don't you ever leave like that again!" She started to cry again. "Don't ever... Please... Don't ever... Hurts so much," she said between sobs.

I hugged her back and felt like crying too, and I did. "I miss you too, Ruff... I miss all of you so much..." I released her so I could wipe away my tears.

"Astrid," Ruff said. "Shes been waiting... Shes been holding on for so long... She loves you..."

"I know and as soon as we get back to the island, we'll be married... But for now..." I turned to the vikings who were now in the cove waiting for orders. "We need to focus on the task at hand. Vikings! Unload the ships and rest. Tonight, will be the start of our mission."

The vikings cheered loudly.

"Quiet!" Tuffnut said. "We don't want all of Berk to hear us!"

I laughed and turned to Ruffnut. "Your brother telling everyone to be quiet. I thought I'd never see the day."

Ruffnut smiled. "We all grew up, I guess... So, whats going to happen tonight?"

"I'll meet with my father about letting Astrid go, and try to work something out."

"Everyone is going to be so happy to see you. A lot of people miss you, Hiccup."

I gave her a sad look. "I killed someone, Ruff. The night I left, I killed a gaurd. Everyone should hate me for that."

"Everyone got over it and now they're waiting for you, hoping you will come back." She smiled sadly. "When Astrid was put in the cells, the village was shocked. Especially when she was raped that first night. I think everyone forgot about you killing that gaurd. They wanted you come back for Astrid and fly away and live happily ever after... Berk has been waiting... Astrid has been waiting..."

I smiled looking up at the starry, night sky and the full moon. Night already, I thought. I saw Tuffnut and one of the vikings come up to me. "What is it?" I asked.

"Sir," said the viking, "Its night. I wish to go with you into the village."

I shook my head. "That won't be neccessary," I said confidently, putting my arms over Tuffnut and Ruffnut's shoulder. "These two will be by my side."

"Sir," the viking persisted worriedly, "Its too dangerous. You'll be in danger!"

I smiled. "Ruff, if I was to walk into the village, will anyone try to kill me."

"No," Ruffnut said happily. "Like I said, they'll look forward to seeing to you."

"Its still a risk."

"If I'm not back by morning, then attack," I said. "We'll be on our way." Toothless started following after us as we left the cove. "Stay, Toothless. I don't want things to get messy. Try to find Astrid."

He took off, and we continued walking to the village. My heart was pounding like mad and I felt as though I was going to be sick. I wanted to turn back and run to the cove, but I looked down and saw Ruffnut holding my hand. She smiled reassuringly.

"I know you're scared, Hiccup, but we'll be by your side if something goes wrong."

I felt something get caught in my throat and I couldn't speak. I was too afraid and I didn't even know what was making me walk, let alone stand.

"Do it for, Astrid," Tuffnut added. "Thats why you're here. Astrid has waited long enough, and so have you. This is it..."

We were standing outside the village now. I could hear voices and see vikings outside.

"Ready?" Ruffnut asked.

I closed my eyes and nodded. "Yeah..."

We walked together into the village. The voices died down as I walked in. I wondered if they could see me shaking. I kept walking with Ruffnut and Tuffnut by my side, and held my breath.

"Its, Hiccup!" Someone cried.

I released my breath when I saw Gobber come over and hug me. I hugged him back and looked up at all the vikings in Berk, who were smiling and now walking over to me. I recieved hugs and kisses from everyone. I almost burst into tears. I have been away way too long, I thought sadly. I looked up at Ruffnut.

"You were right," I said to Ruffnut. "They don't hate me."

"Everyone is over it," Ruffnut said.

I started answering questions when they asked where I been for the last four years. To my surprise, the vikings seemed intrigued when I told them, I was living with vikings who lived with dragons. A few women sighed deeply when I told them, I came back for Astrid, so I could get married. But as soon as the happy reunion started, it was over.

"Hiccup Haddock!" I looked up and saw Spitlout, pushing through the crowd. When he stood infront of me, I stayed strong. "Your father, Stoick, wants to speak with you."

"Okay," I said looking at Ruffnut and Tuffnut. We started following Spitlout. I thought I saw my uncle smiling, which was weird to me.

"Hes happy you're back," Ruffnut reassured me.

"We're here," Spitlout said stopping in front of my father's house. Amazing how it didn't change at all. Before we could walk in, he stopped me. "Welcome home, Hiccup," he said smiling. Then he did something I didn't see coming. He hugged me...

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