Rescue mission

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"Its not funny, Hiccup!" Said Sigurd as I rolled around laughing on the floor of my house.

"Yes!" I said still laughing. "Yes! It is!"

"No, its not," said Sigurd. "You're eighteen and you're going to rule the village after me, and you need a wife and heir of your own! There are plenty of pretty girls in the village who would love to have you as their husband!"

I sighed sadly. "I know." I was above the age to marry, and a lot of girls in the village have been dropping hints, but I turned down all of them. A lot of them wanted me because I grew up pretty well. My voice was stronger and deeper. I grew a couple inches over the last four years, and was just as tall as my father, Stoick. I gained muscle too, through all the training Sigurd put me through. I looked just like Stoick, all that was missing was the beard. I smirked. If he saw me now, he would be proud of me for once.

"Whats holding you back from choosing a girl and getting married?" Sigurd asked interuptting my thoughts.

I sighed again. "On Berk, there was this girl I been in love since I was a little boy. I still love her. If I have to marry, shes the only one I want."

Before Sigurd could answer, the door opened and a girl walked in. She blushed when she saw me, but she turned to Sigurd. "Sir, a boy on a Nadder landed on our village."

"Who is he?" Sigurd asked.

The girl turned to me. "Hes from Berk. His name is Tuffnut."

At this my eyes widen and I stood up. Tuffnut. "What does he want?"

"He wishes to speak to you, sir. He has a letter for you. He says its important. Hes in the medical building."

I instantly ran out of my house and to the medical building, crashing into things and people (Yeah, after all these years I'm still reckless). I saw a man with long blond hair and a nicely toned chest lying on the bed. I walked over, unable to hold back a grin.

"Tuffnut!" I said happily.

The man sat up and smiled. He hugged me tight. "Damn, Hiccup! Is that you? Its been years since I last saw you!"

I laughed. "Four years. What are you doing here?"

Tuffnut's expression turned serious. "I been going from island to island for four years trying to find you so I can give you this..." He held out the worn out letter. I took it from him.

"Whose it from?" I asked.

"My sister, Ruffnut. You remember her, right?"

"Of course! How could I forget!" I opened the letter and started to read it.


Its Ruffnut. To make things short. I know about you and dragons. Astrid told me. If what you say about them is true, then we need you to comeback to Berk. Astrid is in trouble. Stoick locked her up in the cells for treason, after she let the dragons go... She loves you... Shes waiting for you to comeback for her. Hiccup, please comeback. We need you... Astrid needs you... I hope this letter gets to you in time before its too late...

Love always: Ruffnut

Tuffnut touched my shoulder. "We need to go back to Berk... I promised my sister, I would comeback with you... Astrid, shes been waiting long enough. Lets go now and save them..."

Before I could say anything, Sigurd walked in, holding a very familiar looking battle ax. "A Nightmare landed on the island just now, holding this." He handed it to me. "Do you know anything about it?"

"Its Astrid's," Tuffnut said to me. "She gave it to the Nightmare before she was taken away by Stoick."

I gripped the ax and felt tears well up in my eyes. Tuffnut placed a hand on my shoulder. "Four years shes been locked up," I growled angrily. "I didn't know anything for four years." I burst into tears. "I could've done something!"

Finding AstridOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora