(OUTDATED) Character Bio: Zachary (From My AU)

Comenzar desde el principio

1. He couldn't bring himself to destroy it, since he felt as though he had saved Melissa's soul from eternal torture, if that really was her in the game. So he basically felt as though the game served as a bitter-sweet memory of her. 

2. He couldn't bring himself to sell the game, no matter how little or how much he got paid for it, as he didn't want to put someone else's life at risk by them potentially going through what he did. 

So, he came up with a third option, which was just keeping the game hidden away from the rest of the world. With that, Zach took the NES system, along with all the cartridges, including the Godzilla: Monster Of Monsters one, and he put them all in a shoebox, which he hid on one of the upper shelves in the bedroom closet of his apartment. 

(This next part of his biography is basically a take on the Uninvited Guests AU that me and a few friends of mine did in a crossover roleplay series that we work on, fyi.)   

Uninvited Guests Arc

12 years went by after Zach played the Godzilla NES game, and he continued living a normal life into adulthood. One night, Zach, now 30 years old, returned to his apartment after a day at work. For whatever reason though, he recently couldn't stop thinking about the Godzilla NES game.  

Though whenever he did, he remembered that hellbeast, that hellbeast that traumatized him all those years ago. And the fact that Red said he knew him for a long time just added onto that feeling of dread he had whenever he thought back on the game. 

Though it had been 12 years, and nothing had happened, and after multiple attempts of bringing himself to play the game again, he finally did. 

He went to his bedroom closet, and behind multiple objects, he found the dust-covered shoebox. He took it out, and blew on it, as all the dust that had collected on it for 12 years came off. Once that was done, he opened it up, and the NES system, along with the Godzilla NES cartridge were still in it, untouched by the dust due to being covered by the lid of the shoebox. 

With that, he set up the NES system, and put the cartridge in, as the game started up for a second time. 

Zachary then went to his saved file, the one where he defeated Red. He started it, but instead of appearing in the aftermath of the final battle like expected, something strange happened. 

He caught the characters in the game, along with Melissa, in an argument with Red. Though Red was seemingly wanting to fix what happened with him and the others 12 years ago. 

That was until gray text, accompanied by a voice Zach didn't recognize (That being The Warlock) spoke out saying: "Nobody ever forgives you, because you're not sorry. Nobody trusts you, because they know you're not trustworthy. Nobody ever likes you, because there is nothing good about you! You are a failure of a demon, and that's all you will ever be!" 

And then Red says "Wait, YOU-?!?!" before the screen of the TV flashed a bright red, and then Zach felt something hit him, and knock him out cold on the bed. 

Zach woke up a couple hours later, the TV being just static. He tiredly went to turn off the TV, and went to the bathroom to get some medicine for his headache. Yet when Zach returned back to his room from doing so, he suddenly got this feeling that he was being watched. He checked his phone, and the time was 8:46 PM. His uneasy feeling was much stronger when he was near his bed. So, Zach built up enough courage to look underneath his bed with his phone's flashlight. When he did, he was met with a pair of glowing red eyes that pierced the darkness underneath his bed.  

From there, he saw someone he didn't expect to see. That being Red, the hellbeast responsible for his trauma all those years ago, or so Zach thought at the time. 

(Undergoing Changes) Random Sketches & Scenarios of NES Godzilla AUs.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora