A Headcannon Of Red and The Warlock.

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So, this headcannon is basically following this sequence of events: 

1. The Warlock discovers the planet of Zenith, and therefore discovers Red. 

2. The Warlock, using his powers, takes control of Red, and uses him as a puppet to destroy Zenith, and make Solomon flee to Extus, Zenith's neighboring planet. 

3. When Melissa is born, The Warlock uses Red as a way to infiltrate her mind, and therefore cause her mental condition of "episodes". 

4. On the night Melissa was killed by that truck, The Warlock uses his shapeshifting ability to disguise himself as the driver of said truck. After he runs over Melissa, he teleports away without anyone seeing. Therefore, when witnesses were questioned, they said that they saw nobody exit the vehicle. So the person responsible for that vehicle in the case of Melissa's death was never found. 

5. When Red is defeated by Acacius in the creepypasta, he is freed from The Warlock's control. 

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