yours/their parents reaction to you dating

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at first, his mother was vary of you. she didn't exactly want bell to tell you about octavia right away. al thought after meeting you, and letting you meet octavia, his mother was very happy for you both and accepted it.

your parents were extremely disapproving. murphy was always seen as the 'bad guy' around arkadia, and your parents knew of him. when they found out you were dating, you were sat down to have a very long chat with them. only after him meeting them did they see that he wasn't that bad.

your parents were accepting, and so was his mother. they thought you guys make a lovely couple.

after the whole maya incident, at first, they just thought that you were his rebound. although after seeing how you acted together, they changed their minds. of course your parents weren't still worried about him though. they knew you cared for him, and they wouldn't want to stop you from it. but it was just hard for them seeing their child caring for someone mourning over their ex.

at first your parents were a bit wary because he was a grounder, but after a proper meeting, and lincoln giving flowers to your mother, they accepted it. your father got along well with him and your mother adores him.

your parents were utterly shocked. dating a prince? they liked roan, but your parents of course they were a little worried at first. his mother absolutely hated you though. she thought you were distracting her son, and tried to have you killed once. roan put a stop to this of course and protected you, and it all got better after lexa killed her.

your parents were happy. depending on where your from, but mostly all happy.

your parents were pretty shocked, but at the same time pleased. even though they know you could fight well enough on your own, they were glad that octavia was also their looking out for you.

your parents were extremely impressed. they absolutely adored raven, and were proud of her. they helped support you both through everything, including the pain in her leg.

her mother absolutely loves you. at first she was skeptical, as all parents worry for their kids, but she quickly grew on you.
(if you saw the old answer, no you didn't okay?)

your parents were nervous. you were dating a grounder commander, anything could happen to you. after a chat and reassurance from lexa of your safety, their worries were eased. your parents eventually grew closer to lexa, and lexa let them see her happy side. but not as much as you saw it :,)

your parents didn't know what to think. they were completely happy that you were dating someone, but, a grounder outcast? they could live with the hand, but they didn't want you to ever get hurt because of emori. it got worse when they found out she was a thief, and of course they found out in the best way. waking up in the morning, and discovering lots of bits and pieces missing.

your parents were disappointed. they despised the grounders, and even worked with pike for a while. sorry, but they hated echo.

your parents didn't mind harper, but they weren't a bit fan of how much she enjoyed pda...

similar to lexa, but your parents took a lot longer to accept you and anya together, mainly due to anya's stubbornness to get to know them. but, for your sake, she always tried her best.

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