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Levi's POV
The movie yesterday with Eren was amazing. Jupiter Ascending is a great movie. I still feel real shitty about giving him a bad time about liking childish things. I know it's his personality, and I shouldn't have made fun of him for it. Ugh, how can I make this up to him? I call the one person I know that can help me; Mikasa.

"Yo, it's Ackerman, whatdya need?"

"Hey Ackerman, it's Levi, listen, I fucked up," I begin. Her sigh is very audible from the other line. "And I need your help to make it right since you're one of the few people who knows Eren the best."

"Alright, what did you do?" She sounds resigned.

"We were going to see a movie at the theater. He wanted to see SpongeBob and I called him a child and he seemed really hurt by it. What should I do? I don't want to start out our relationship like this." I rant to her. She's silent for a couple of minutes.

"You know, you act like an asshole, but Eren is really lucky to have you. Jean always makes fun of Eren for liking childish things like cartoons. It really hurt his feelings and so he's really sensitive about letting people know about that side of him." Okay, that makes a lot more sense.

"Wait, Jean as in horse face? As in Freckled Jesus' boyfriend?" I only know Eren's friends by nicknames that they call each other/what I came up for them.

"Yes, that asshole. My suggestion is if you want to make it up to Eren, invite him on another date. But have it be a date at your house. Make a pillow fort, set up Netflix with cartoons, bring lots of junk food and let your inner child out. It will mean a lot to Eren that you are trying to make up for what you said. Also, it may or may not be Eren's ideal date that he has been fantasizing about having with you for years." I chuckle a bit. Thank God Mikasa is so straight forward. I don't get how anyone could hate her.

"Thank you Mikasa, you are a life saver! I'll invite him over later today since it's only 10 am. Do you want updates on how it goes?" I ask. Her and Armin have been rooting for Eren and I from the start.

"No shit, shorty. You guys are finally getting together, of course I want updates. Can you do me a favor though? More like a favor for our favorite coconut head?" I know where this is going. Armin and Erwin needing to get together.

"I have a plan where Eren and I set the two of them up on a coffee/library date. Don't worry, I'll send you updates on that too." Mikasa is the mother of the trio. They grew up together and have always been there for each other. I understand how protective she gets of her two dorks. I mean, I have Hanji and Erwin to look after, as well as Isabel and Farlan.

"Thanks Levi, it means a lot to me. Now go call your idiot boyfriend. He's probably worrying himself over that little incident. And don't leave too many noticeable hickeys. We still want to be able to look him in the eye." Stupid Ackerman. I know she's joking but Jesus Christ. I sigh and hang up on her. Now time to call my idiot boyfriend. The phone rings a couple of times before I hear his sweet voice.

"Levi? What's wrong?" His voice sounds a little funny and I can hear him sniffling. Was he crying? I hope not. God, I am a shitty ass boyfriend.

"Oh nothing, sweetheart. I was just wondering if you were busy today." I try to sound as nonchalant as possible.

"I'm not, I just have some homework to do but I can bring it wherever if you want to do something."

"Would you like to come over to my house then? You can bring your homework and I can help you with it if you need it." I am a good boyfriend, I will help my younger boyfriend with his homework, even though he's a better student than I.

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