ix. more problems from the past

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"Sorry Mia, but how do you know her?" Dinah questioned, focusing her attention on her friend, rather than her foe.

"You didn't tell them anything did you?" Mia whispered to Julia.

"Well, now's the time I guess." Julia whispered back before turning to the other two people in the room. "I'm John and Lyla's daughter."

Laurel's eyes went wide. "Sorry, we tried to kill John and Lyla's daughter?"

"That doesn't explain how you two know each other." Dinah insisted.

The two looked at each other, both unsure how to answer. Mia decided to take the reins, cutting right to the chase. "Long story short, we're dating."

"You went after Mia?" Laurel cringed. "Poor, sweet, innocent Mia?" Laurel asked.

"Hey! First of all I would rather you not speak to my girlfriend that way." Mia snapped suddenly. "Second of all, I never have been, nor will I ever be innocent. I literally walk around the city in leather with my girlfriend, her brother, and my best friend beating people up. Does that sound innocent to you?"

"Fine, but I still don't like her." Laurel shrugged.

"Why not?" Mia asked, turning to Julia.

Julia cleared her throat. "Story for another time."

"No, story for now." Laurel and Dinah took the hint, slipping away while Julia started to explain herself.

"I may have borrowed the waverider from the legends and went back in time to help Chien Na Wei."

"And, why didn't you just tell me?" Mia crossed her arms over her chest, intimidating Julia slightly. All she could think was how she was going soft for the blonde.

"Until 12 hours ago, I was a criminal. You were a vigilante. And our lives were so different and now they're just clashing together. And I don't just want that to get in the way of whatever this is."

Mia shrugged, unaffected by the conflict. "Then we make sure it doesn't."

"And how do we do that?"

Mia extended her hand out. "Hi, I'm Mia. Mia Smoak."

Thinking the whole exercise ridiculous, Julia hesitated, yet still extended her hand. "Julia Diggle." Julia smiled sarcastically. "Happy now?"



Julia felt so in place the next morning. Tangled in Mia's arms, she felt more together than ever before. Hence why Julia was in awe as the blonde slept.

Or as Julia thought she slept. "Watcha doin'?"

"Sorry, I was just-"

Mia squinted. "Watching me sleep."

"Yeah, sorry, I know it's weird."

"Weirdly sweet. I guess." She squinted again. The two laughed as they pressed their lips together. Then, as if it were to interrupt them, there was a knock at the door.

"Oh, I got it." Julia told her. She climbed out of the bed, making her way to the door, only to find William standing there, his face showing a look of shock that was similar to my own.

"William, hey." Julia looked back at Mia with wide eyes.

"What are you doing at Mia's apartment? At 7AM? In Mia's shirt." He paused for a few seconds. "No. No no no no no." He said as Julia was forced to pull him inside.

"Clayton, shut up." Julia told him sternly.

"You two are-"

"Dating? Yeah." Mia told him. "But you can't tell anyone."

"Why not?"

Julia squinted. "Why does that matter?"

"You know Felicity's going to kill you." William informed the two.

"No she won't. Because you won't tell her." Mia responded sternly. "Or Connor. Or JJ. Or Zoe. Or John. Or Lyla. Or anyone else for that matter."

"You guys better figure your shit out soon because I'm a terrible liar." He warned before walking out.

"It's literally been like two days and someone has already found out. How are we going to keep this up?" Mia sighed heavily.

"We'll figure it out as we go, okay?" Julia assured her.

Mia furrowed her eyebrows. "How are you always so calm?"

"Not always. Just near you." Julia assured her, kissing Mia's forehead.

My Past, My Present, My Future-Mia SmoakWhere stories live. Discover now