vi. mending fences

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With nowhere else to go, Julia made her way back to her bunker. Deciding it best to pretend her capture never happened, Julia checked her email for work. 20 job offers. Though the offers enticed her, she knew she had to decline them all. She knew that in the morning Mia would tell everyone that she'd escaped, so she had no choice but to lay low. She closed her computer and slammed her head down on her desk. Suddenly and quite randomly, her phone rang. It was her roommate.

"What's up Jamie?" She questioned in an ingenuine tired voice.

"Why is Mia Smoak knocking at our door at 4 in the morning? Booty call?"

"Dude, why would anyone come by at 4 in the morning for a booty call. We had a few drinks last night and I went to a friend's house. I kind of ran out on her." Julia quickly made up. "Tell her I'm sorry. You know what, just put her on the phone."

Jamie sighed heavily. "I'm too tired to care." There was some rustling before I heard Mia's voice.

"What the hell Julia? We trusted you. I-I trusted you."

"I'm sorry Mia. I really did like you, but nothing comes in the way of me and my job." Julia tried to explain.

"And I actually thought you were different. I've already called John and Lyla. They're not telling A.R.G.U.S., but you better watch your back."

Julia smirked at Mia's anger. "Later Smoak."


A half hour later, when Julia was about to go to bed, her door burst open. She pulled out a gun instinctively, thinking it was Mia, Connor, and Zoe. Instead, she found her boss.

"Bossman, what are you doing here?"

"This is not a work thing." He quickly explained, holding up a small controller. "This is a bomb. Once I press this button, there is a sixty second timer before the building explodes. Good luck." Before he had the chance to press the button, Mia appeared out of nowhere, quickly taking down his men. She released another arrow at him, but not before he was able to press the button. Julia's plan to make a run for it was stopped when Mia raised her bow to her.

"Give me one good reason I shouldn't kill you right now."

"There's a bomb. It goes off in around 45 seconds. We need to work together if we're going to live."

"How do I know you're not lying?"

"We don't have time for this shit, Mia. Just help me get us both out of there."


"So, if we're going to die, we might as well talk about the kiss." Mia muttered, breaking the awkward silence between the two.

"We're not going to die." Julia assured her.

Mia shrugged. "I know. Just wanted to talk about it."

"You kissed me. I don't know what you want me to talk about."

"I guess it was just something to try and put you at ease. And then I guess I actually liked it." Mia reluctantly muttered the last sentence.

Julia nodded. "Good to know." She pushed Mia into a room and closed the door behind her.

"Diggle, what the hell do you think you're doing?" Mia frantically questioned.

"That room is a bomb shelter. You can survive the explosion and use a grapple hook to get away."

"What about you?"

"Grapple hook is for one. Not two."

"I would have found something."

"Not soon enough. Sorry not sorry, Smoak."

And before Mia had the chance to respond, the building exploded.

My Past, My Present, My Future-Mia SmoakWhere stories live. Discover now