ii. not so normal life

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Star City 2039

"Mom, dad, I'm home." Julia's words echoed throughout her family's apartment without an answer. "Mom? Dad?" She stopped calling out when she spotted a note on the kitchen island.


Sorry we had to run out like this. JJ and Connor are graduating in a few weeks. They just finished regents and are home alone all the time. We are going to spend time with them for a few weeks before and after graduation, then taking them on a surprise vacation. If A.R.G.U.S doesn't need us we will be home in around 3 months. Until then the apartment is yours. We have food deliveries coming weekly for you. You know the rules; no leaving the house under any circumstances. Burner phone is in the kitchen cabinet to the left of the stove. Call if you need anything.

-Mom and Dad

Keep in mind that Julia was conceived over a two year long mission overseas. She compromised the mission, so A.R.G.U.S made Lyla and John keep her a secret even from their own two boys Connor and JJ. She had never met her brothers. She had only seen photos. John and Lyla split their time not so equally, spending almost all of it with the boys and A.R.G.U.S. A few years after the mission they caught the guy they were after.

Julia scoffed. "Wow. I'm 16 and they're leaving me home alone for 3 months."

"Well, you won't be home for much longer." A cold and conspicuous voice crawled up behind her. Before she knew it a cloth was over her face and everything else went black.

Star City 2042

Julia woke up the next morning with her roommate clapping in her face.

"What do you want Jamie?"

"How about your rent?" She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Weird coming from the woman who hasn't paid her half of the rent for two months." Julia rebutled sleepily, her eyes still half closed.

"Well I have all of it now. What about you?" Julia pulled a stack of cash out of her bedside drawer.

"Here. Give it to the landlord. I have a self defense class to teach." And that's exactly what she intended to do. Waking herself up more, she got ready and left the apartment building. As per use, she walked to the coffee store to get her morning coffee. What wasn't the use was running into Mia Smoak as she left.

"Excuse me?" Mia tapped on Julia's shoulder.


"I think you're bleeding." Of course Julia knew this. After all, it was her encounter with Mia the night before that had caused the bleeding.

"Oh, yes I know. My roommate accidentally ran into me with a knife this morning. I bandaged it before." Julia winced internally. It was a terrible excuse and she knew it.

"You sure? It looks very deep and it's still bleeding." Mia eyed the wound suspiciously. "Do you want to go to the hospital?"

"I'm good. Thank you though. I have to get to class."

"Okay. Have a nice day."

Julia gave her a small smile before walking away. The smile was, of course, sarcastic, as she could not stand Mia's father, Oliver Queen, for working side by side with what she called her trainwreck of a father. But, since Oliver Queen was dead, hating his spawn would have to do. She tried to push the interaction to the back of her mind as she went off to teach self defense to a bunch of little kids. The job helped her blend in while also doing something she was passionate about. She used the surname Cooper to register, so her real name stayed secret.

"Alright kids, who's ready to learn some basic self defense?" She put on a smile and went on with her day. She gave the kids tips like, 'Keep your wrists straight' or 'Spread your feet more.' The day went on as normal until two police officers showed up. Julia's heart skipped a beat. Her hood had fallen down for a short second last night, making her face visible, so, a small part suspected that the officers were there for her.. Fortunately, the cops were there for the man she forgot she had set up-her boss.

"Excuse me, Ma'am, are you the owner of this facility?"

"No sir. I'm just an employee here."

"Is Victor Roberts here? We have a warrant for his arrest."

"Yes sir. He is in his office. Would you like me to get him for you?"

"That won't be necessary. We're gonna cuff him, so I recommend you get these kids out of here."

"Right away sir."

"Okay kids, we have to end class a little early today." She told the kids, trying to usher them out as quickly as possible.

Unconsciously, Julia glanced at her clock; 9:30. She had to leave now or otherwise she would be late. And her boss hated lateness.

She looked over at her coworkers as the owner was being dragged out in cuffs.

"You think it's okay if I slip out?"

They nodded, assuring her wordlessly that they'd hold down the fort and allowing Julia to leave without a trace. She arrived to the docks, grabbed the bag, and got out of the car.

"You're late." Her boss growled at her.

"Just tying up some loose ends."

"Do you have what I asked for?"

She tossed over the sack to her boss.

"What about my payment?" One of the henchmen pulled out a gun and aimed it at Julia. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Oh you know, just tying up some loose ends."

The man was about to pull the trigger before an arrow was shot in his direction.

Mia's coded voice arose from behind her. "Tyler Brantford, you have failed this city."

She shot an arrow that hit his chest, making him fall backwards limp. And just like that a fight had started. Julia took the opportunity of chaos to try to escape. She sprinted to her car and threw her hand at the door, the car being hit with an arrow before she could reach it. Once again she heard Mia's voice behind her. "Now where do you think you're going?"

"Oh baby, I'm already gone." As she smirked, she threw a smoke grenade, enveloping Mia's sight and allowing Julia to escape.

My Past, My Present, My Future-Mia SmoakWhere stories live. Discover now