1.85 Welcome Home Party

Start from the beginning

Me "Well, guess who we have here"

In the Courtyard. 

I ran over to Sky and hugged him "Sky, my love"

He hugged me and picked me up "There she is my little firehead"

I hit his shoulder and pulled him in for a kiss. 

He kissed me back smiling.

Stella called out "stop making out and let's go in"

We walked in. 

Stella "Guess it's time for a party."

My parents were using magic to decorate the hall. 

Layla "Wow, Daphne. Your parents are really going all out to welcome you back."

Daphne sighed "Yes, it's too much."

Bloom " It's going to be wonderful. There's going to be music, and dancing, and so many people who want to welcome you home!"

Daphne started to panic "Music? Dancing? People? Music? Dancing? People?"

Stella eyed her " You know, sweetie, that 90's muffler has got to go. You need...A makeover!"

In Daphne's room. 

Stella "And now, for a new you!"

Daphne "But... I like the old me."

Flora "Don't fight. You can't win."

Me "we've all been there, sis, you'll lose"

Daphne looked at me helplessly. 

In the hall. 


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Mom and Dad were the first to step out to the crowd. 

People cheered " Long live the king and queen!"

Dad " Your majesties, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Princess Daphne of Domino."

We all cheered. 

Daphne stepped out. 

I cheered "That's my sister!"

Daphne smiled shyly "I'm so happy to be home again, and I can't wait to get to know all of you."

Suddenly i heard a thunder from above.

Me "what a timing"

The Trix showed up. 

Icy "Hello, Daphne. Looks like a party. And you didn't invite us. But we brought you a present anyway. Beast, get Daphne!"

A beast appeared. 

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