1.63 "You Know I Love You, Right?"

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A couple days later. At the shop. 

Stella „ anything from Sky?"

I shook my head „nh nh"

Flora asked confused "why what happened?"
Musa walked into the room, amused "what happened now?"

Me "we got into a fight"

Musa "you and Sky?"

I nodded.

Bloom shook my head "I saw it. that's wasn't a fight, Echo, that was war"

Stella "poor Sky"

I shot her a look " "poor Sky"? Are you serious?"

Musa "where's he now?"

Stella "There was an emergency on Eraklyon, Sky and Brando had to leave to check it out"

Musa asked confused "why didn't you go with them?"

Me "Because Brandon thought that it wouldn't be such a good idea if I would come along"

Bloom asked confused "why? I mean, you and Sky are professional enough to not start a fight during a mission"

I shrugged "yeah, I know. But Brandon didn't really want any of us to come along"

Flora asked confused "why?"

Stella shrugged "beats me"


I was hanging out on Stella's bed with her.

Sky wasn't answering his phone and I was really starting to get bothered.

Stella "you know, maybe his phone is dead?"

Me "It's not like the ship has a charger, Stella. "

Stella shrugged "Maybe the battery exploded?"

Me "I hope for him that that battery exploded. Brandon has a phone he could use"

Stella grimaced "Well, Brandon hasn't called me either"

I froze "what, really?"

Stella nodded "yeah, I mean, he and I aren't really on good terms either but he always let me know he's alive when he's out on a mission, regardless of our situation. Maybe they are in a place where they don't have any signal"

Suddenly her phone started to ring.

Me "if that's Brandon then I better hope that Sky's excuse for not calling me is that he's dead"

Stella answered the phone and put Brandon on speaker "hey handsome"
Brandon "hey princess"

Stella "how's the mission going?"

Brandon "uhm, well, I think we're gonna need one more –nah, I think two more days. Our work here grows and grows. I have work growing out my ears, babe"

Stella froze but the nodded "okay"

Brandon sighed "I hate being away from you too, sunshine"

Stella smiled at her phone, sadly.

I nudged her.

Stella "what about Sky? Is he still breathing?"

There was no response from the other side.

Stella asked worried "Brandon? You there?"

Brandon "yeah, yes, I am still here. Uhm, Sky's currently at the palace, taking care of something"

Keeper Of The Dragon Flame (Winx Club. Sky)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora