Someone had found Kyrie in an abandoned car that was left in an empty parking lot.

"Justice Wright."

Justice looked up to her name being called.

The nurse had a look of pity in her eyes.

"Your parents wanted me to come to get you."

"Is he ok?"

"Go see for yourself he's in room E30."

Justice nodded and practically ran down the hall. She saw her parents through the big glass window and walked into the room.

Kyrie sat in the bed wide awake playing with a ninja turtle action figure.

"Bubba you're ok!" Justice ran over to the bed and hugged Kyrie.

Tears ran down her face uncontrollably. "You're ok." She mumbled.

"Do you know who did this?" Justice asked pulling away from the hug.

Kyrie nodded.

"Who?" Kendra and Justice asked in sync.

"Taryn." Kyrie shrugged.

"Wait." Justice scrunched up her eyebrows.

"Taryn Taryn?"

He nodded.

Kendra walked out of the hospital room and Darnell followed.

Justice turned her attention back to Kyrie.

"What did she do? What did she say?"

"She tie me to a chair and hit me, she call you a bad word too."

"I'm so so so sorry Ky,"

"It's not your fault sissy."

Justice sat at the top of the bed with Kyrie.

"I should've been there for you Bubba and I wasn't, I'm so so sorry."

Kyrie laid his head on Justice's shoulder.

"It's ok."

But it wasn't it was far from ok.

Kyrie didn't have any major injuries except for a few bruises and scratches, he was also suffering from dehydration.

He would be discharged from the hospital in the next few days.


"Justice are you still friends with Taryn?" Kendra asked as she stood at the kitchen table.

"I actually stopped being friends with her a few days ago." Justice replied.

"And you didn't think to tell us this!" Kendra yelled.

"Calm down Kendra."

"Whatever you and Taryn got going on ain't just between y'all no more!" Kendra screamed clapping her hands.

"She kidnapped my child! Your brother! And you didn't think to tell us that!"


"I love you Justice I do so very much but this ain't between you and her anymore and I would appreciate if you-

Kendra looked down at her feet.

"I would appreciate it if you left and kept your distance."

"So you don't want me around anymore?" Justice asked biting her bottom lip she loved her family.

"This is serious Justice and I can't risk something happening to myself or one of your siblings."

Kendra stormed out the kitchen and Darnell walked over to Justice so he could comfort her.

"She's upset right now, but this'll all blow over, as of right now she needs space so give it to her."


Taryn laid cuddled up with Kendrick.

"Why you so quiet?" Kendrick asked.

Taryn sat up and stroked Kendrick's beard.

"I have to tell you something but you can't get mad."

Kendrick sighed already knowing it was gonna be some bs.

"I might've kidnapped Justice's younger brother and kept him in an abandoned warehouse for 3 days."

"What!" Kendrick shouted as he sat up.

"It was a mistake."

"Taryn we were just gonna start some drama and that was that! You kidnapped a kid! My exes little brother!"

"What the fuck were you thinking!"

"I know, I know-

"Do you!?"

"You started some shit that I gotta finish."

Kendrick ran his hands down his face.


Kendrick got out the bed leaving Taryn alone he was too frustrated to deal with her.

Taryn didn't realize seriousness of the situation, we didn't realize what she had just started.



I feel like I've been gone so long I've forgotten how to write.

Subscribe to my YouTube please! Link in my profile and if any of you have a YouTube lmk so I can subscribe!

Y'all think Kendra in the wrong for telling Justice to give the family some space?

Y'all think Justice should've told her parents about Taryn?

Thoughts on our baby Journey?

I feel so bad for her☹️☹️

What y'all wanna see happen in this book?

This chapter suck


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