Chapter 21

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The night fell quiet, no one had spoke, Bumblebee had gone into rest mode while Linkia just sat, staring at her cut hands, poking the long cut as blood seaped through the cut onto her palm, she had cut her left palm in the battle they had, the sharp pain from her poking at it, her hand shaking from the nerves, looking up, out the window, she saw them all still resting, it was still early in the night. It was still very much cold inside and out, occasionally, her legs  would shake from the sudden draft of coldness hitting her however, when they began to shake, that was when she'd poke her cut, making her mind wonder from being cold to feeling pain. She looked down at herself, the trouble she has caused the trembling of her body started as she remembered, finally seeing the way Bumblebee had lost himself against Megatron, usually, she wouldn't be able to remember any of what happened after taking the mask off but, somehow, she was seeing it all play out in her mind. The anger in his optics, the power he had, the giant Decepticon falling dead by his own servo and hammer, she didn't think he could be so strong against someone like that, she felt afraid, if anything, she didn't want to see him like that again, these guys was really something else, they held their own against bigger and stronger opponent's. Yet she couldn't even use her mask correctly still, even after all her hard training, it definitely had to do with the fact that she barely ate anything at all.

Her eyes began to fall heavy, tired, she leans forward, finally moving a little before she pushes the lock, unlocking the doors, with very slow movements, she'd pull the handle and slowly, pushing the door open, now she just had to climb over the middle and into the front seat to get out, she didn't want to move the seat in case that woke him, she did, climbing over into the from passenger seat, she'd dangle her legs onto the ground outside of him, she climbed out, quietly, she closed his door. He didn't move, a victory she had finally claimed until she turned around when she was met face to face with someone, someone she had hoped to never see. . . She quickly turned to call for help, she had no weapons, the Autobots had them all, the second she turned, a hand reached around to hold her mouth shut, making her mumble a soft but quiet scream, her back was pulled against his chest as he leaned his face close to her left earlobe. Whispering.

"Shh, let's not make this harder than it already is, Heroine. ."

His free arm wrapped around her waist, keeping her arms tucked by her side as he turned to pull her away, pulling her to face him, a sword pressed against her throat as he pushes her against a tree, his left hand wrapped tightly, squeezing at her throat as his sword pointed and touched at her flesh. His face dark, his attire was black, his skin was a dark grey, almost black if you will, he slides his blade across her throat but doesn't cut, the tip pressed firmly, as if meaning, if she moves or makes a sound, he will kill her, she gulped, he removed his now free left hand, sliding it across her cheek, wiping away a stray tear that fell, she was trying not to cry, she couldn't make a sound, she literally couldn't move, her arms was bound and her lips sealed tightly shut, he had bounded her hands behind her back, her lips sealed only due to his threat and she knew, he most certainly would go through with it. His grey eyes met her, scared emerald ones before his hues looked her completely over, her outfit to her bare feet, even to her missing weapons. He leans closer to her, his lips brushing her ear as his hot breath brushed her lobe.

"Tsk! So vulnerable, so revealing. What a shame I came at the right time~"

His left hand trailed down from her cheek, gliding across her chest until he stopped with a single digit against her right hips skin, he pressed his single finger nail into her hip bone, causing her to hold in cries of pain, his nail force ably cut through her soft skin, her body flinched as she tried to keep her balance, forcing her eyes shut as he stabbed his blade into the bark of the tree, straight through her shoulder, pinning her by her shoulder as his right hand muffled her screams of pain and agony, he got closer until their bodies touched, lifting his knee up, he'd grind it against her hip where he had just cut, his left hand reaching around her neck before pulling her closer to him, moving his hand away, she opened her lips to let out a painful cry but he didn't let her, his lips pressed against her own, sucking in her bottom lip as he bit down, sinking his canine like teeth, blood dripped down their chins, he pulled away with a smirk on his lips, not before tasting the blood of the Princess on his lips by licking it. He then slid his knee across, in between her legs, gently, he began to move his leg around but lowering it just to reach into his pocket, taking out a small pocket knife, opening it up before sliding his hand down, gliding the back of the blade up her thigh until his hand lifted up her skirt, finding the little nimp of her, her eyes widened, she saw the small blade, tears streamed down, she tried to scream for someone, anyone to help her, but all her screams was in vain, no one could hear her, she tightly shut her eyes, he just kept smirking, even if she couldn't see it, she knew he was, he then pressed the blade against her clit through her panties, the sharp point pressing harder every second that passed, her painful cries not heard by anyone as he cut, sliding the blade across until she started to bleed a little, he moved his blade to her inner thigh, her left leg, slicing the blade across her thigh, she flinched at the pain, blood spilling Down her leg, she cried even harder, she wanted this to end, he just dug the blade in, pushing very slowly into her inner thigh, removing his right hand to placed and push up against her chin, forcing her to keep her mouth shut, his left index finger slid across to meet her now semi bleeding clit, sliding his hand inside of her underwear, the warm wetness he felt almost brought satisfaction to his visage, seeing the pain she was in, made him very happy, yet, he was slightly saddened, she had already broke the second he caught her, he didn't know why but... she was never one to break, no matter how hard he'd try, yet right now, she looked like she was begging for him to kill her, and he will, in due time, he's having his fun, watching her die a slow but painful, meaningful death by his hand. However, that all but faded away when he saw the world spinning around, she was getting further and further away, he... was sent flying through the skies, disappearing into the nights sky. No one could kill a shadow, not truly.

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