Chapter 20

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Just who would be the first to make the move? Bumblebee lifted his hammer up, as if to finally make the first move, her ears, on the other hand, heard shifting of metal behind herself, what was this? 1 v 5? It seems so, Bumblebee trying to make her believe that he was the only one to face off against her but, it was just a trick, someone was behind her, the giant steps that lightly shaked the ground beneath them, with how still she was, she felt it, she heard it and she could sense him behind her, just as Bumblebee went to slash downwards with the hammer, she simply side stepped, turning on her heels once she did so, dodging his attack as well as Optimus's blade, Bumblebee had hit the blade that was meant for her, sending them both sliding backwards slightly from the shere force, it was about damne time that they took this seriously instead of like a game! Her blade stayed resting against her shoulder, already dust was sent flying, clouding the area between them for a few seconds before it cleared up enough for them to see she was no longer there, she had slid under Optimus's legs, leaning against his left leg before he saw and swung his sword downwards, jumping backwards, Bumblebee aimed his hammer towards where she was standing, they had only just missed each others weapons, it looked as though they was actually going to touch down against her body but, they didn't, she jumped up and rolled forwards before finally jumping up again, into a spin attack aiming for both of their legs, their weapons finally hitting the ground just next to one another's before they realised they both fell forwards, Bumblebee's head clashing against Optimus's chassis as he fell down first, Optimus landing on top of his old friend, leaving a heavy imprint in the ground, Ironhide, Jazz and Ratchet ran towards her, throwing everything they had to give, even to a sigar butt was thrown down towards her, sliding backwards, as it looked like they was fighting against one another, while she had a few seconds to spare before they realised they wasn't fighting her, she placed both hands together, the sword held skywards but her hands stayed level to her chest, they finally noticed, they stopped, they was pretty banged up and beaten, and she barely even touched them, if at all, however, once they saw her, she extended her arms upwards, pointing the blade sky high, as high as her arms would allow, the sun shining brightly but harshly, not a cloud in the sky before the area started to get darker, a small portal like rift appeared, a massive, gigantic face started to pull through it, it was a moon, a full sized one at that, Optimus and the others saw it and started firing at it, they needed to stop that thing from blowing up this planet and NOW!! Bumblebee ran towards her while the other four did what they can to stop the moon, Bumblebee throws his hammer at her to hopefully stop her in her tracks, the moon is nearly out of the rift fully, there was still time, she was staring up, his hammer plummeted against her whole front, sending her flying through the air, Bee transformed quickly as he sped across the ground to get to where she would land before she did, he transformed again and his servo wrapped around her body, grabbing her before he slammed her down against the ground, his hammer soon falling back into his free hand before he side swiped at her wrist that held her sword as he watched it go flying off into the distance, looking up quickly he saw the moon and rift had disappeared and the others running towards him to help subdue her, she was trapped under his palm, his digits holding her hands and legs down, while his palm held her body still, only her face could be seen between his digits, she was struggling against his grip as he just looked in horror, disgust and sadness at her.

❝You almost killed everyone, including yourself! Take it off, Ironhide. .❞

Ironhide agreed, reaching his two digits down to grab at her mask but she kept moving her face to the sides but Optimus pressed a single digit onto her hair, keeping her head still as Ironhide finally took it off, he kept it in his servo, pulling back away from her, Jazz came back, holding her blade, it almost fit perfectly in his servo before transitioning back to normal, they all stared down at her, disgust and anger on their faces, her emerald hues darted from to another until she saw all of their faces, it brought back those memories.

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