Because Han Xiao’s mechanical army had undergone many rounds of strengthening, they were not too vulnerable even in the face of a Beyond Grade A. While this batch of old machinery was not the most updated, with the addition of his Mechanical Force, they were no longer simple mechanical soldiers that Heber could casually crush.

In this battle, Heber faced a different situation.

In the last battle, Heber’s goal was to demonstrate his prestige, and he intended to quickly get rid of Han Xiao.

But now that Black Star had achieved his current fame, Heber did not have any thought of quickly ending the fight. He was clear that Han Xiao was not there, so the only way to win this fight was to kill all of the soldiers present.

As long as he smashed apart all the troops that Black Star had brought over, it would be his win!

Thus, Heber’s mentality was more stable, and he was not in a rush at all. He had long made preparations for a sustained battle and focused on getting rid of the mechanical soldiers without any intention of ambushing Han Xiao.

However, the amount of injuries he obtained made Heber feel a lot more pressure than last time. The psionic cannon rays that hit his body gave him tremendous pain each time.

Heber was secretly startled at Han Xiao’s growth rate and gritted his teeth as he calculated in his mind.

While I can fight a prolonged battle, the longer I take, the more unfavorable it is to me. I need to improve my killing efficiency.

As he thought so, he increased the frequency and intensity of attacks.

On the other side, Han Xiao controlled the mechanical host to observe the combat, reading the combat information on the interface.

What a tough HP cow.

In his last battle, Heber’s combat information was filled with question marks. Now, with his level higher than Heber’s, it revealed his information completely.

Heber’s was at level 296, with some of them made up by his subclasses. Han Xiao was an anomaly, as comparing levels, there was not much difference between the two of them.

That being said, Heber’s Grade was still at S, without even the ‘+’ on it. This was the gap brought about by various bonuses.

Heber’s total HP was around 800,000, and his Endurance was more than 12,000, along with tons of explosive abilities adding a huge chunk of Strength, Dexterity, and Endurance. As for his pugilist skills, it went without saying that he had plenty of those.

The number of resistance talents on him was frightening, such as True Damage Immunity, Weak Injury Immunity, Fixed Injury Reduction, and Super Toughness. They were all talents that Han Xiao had seen during the last battle, making his defense extremely troublesome to overcome.

The last battle had ended in a draw due to the intervention of the dynasty. There was no winner among the two, so Han Xiao got the record of a tie. However, the fact was that he did not cause any serious damage to Heber at that time.

To deal with Heber, he could only slowly grind him down. It was fortunate that his Mechanical Force bonus and mechanical army had been strengthened many times, significantly raising his damage.

Thus, Han Xiao did not activate his [Perfect Mechanical Sense] Character Summon Card, nor did he need to.

Under such circumstances, the Tyrant was long not his opponent!

The moment the battle began, an S ranked mission popped up on his interface, named [‘Tyrant’ Heber], which was the same mission as the previous time. Based on the scenario of challenging a Beyond Grade A, this sort of Boss Mission would appear.

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