Those who had strength would have a slight change in mental state. There would always be wanted individuals in the various parts of the universe. The core reason for this was the strength that individuals could obtain. As such, there would be the bad guys who had various different ambitions but also the superheroes who were on the other side.

Being a superhero was also a kind of occupation, but it was different from being a mercenary. This occupation was extremely bitter. They not only had to go around saving people everywhere but might not even receive a reward in return. Their moral standard was at least as high as a five-level building.

There were few willing to go into such an occupation, and most Supers wanted to use their strength to lead a better life, obtain more wealth, and gain greater authority. Thus, there were very few Supers who became superheroes. As such, a superhero organization would usually be formed by a group of like-minded individuals.

However, there was also a benefit of such an occupation. Their fame was much higher than the mercenaries.

Although there were not many Superheroes, their numbers were not small when adding up the numbers across the universe. Most of them operated in their local region. As such, the three Universal Civilizations set up a superheroes association to make it easier to manage them. As long as one registered and obtained a ‘superhero permit’, they would be allowed to administer justice within a certain region and not get invited for tea. Apart from having a salary, any losses suffered during the process of ‘administering justice’ would be reimbursed by the association. In summary, the superheroes were like a bunch of vigilantes.

After listening to his introduction, Feidin thought for a moment and did not give his real name.

“I am Fei… cough Chen Xing. She is Au… Aura.”

“Thank you for saving me.” Both of them had a disguise on, so Raymond did not recognize them.

“Just what is going on?” Feidin asked.

Raymond originally did not want to drag outsiders into the matter, but Aurora’s ability changed his mind, and he explained what was going on. “The bunch who attacked me belong to a cult called Blood Hammer Church. They use blood sacrifices to carry out their rituals and have committed many crimes within this Star System. They are the old rivals of the Punisher Alliance.”

Upon hearing that, Feidin began to frown. He did not like the action of using an ordinary individual’s blood to perform a ritual.

Even if the public security within the three Universal Civilizations was good, crimes could not be avoided in society.

Unless the preparator had extremely high combat capability or the crime was extremely severe, the governing Universal Civilization would not personally take action and leave the matter to the local vassal civilization or mercenaries. The Universal Civilization would only intervene if their vassal civilization could not deal with it.

Every blood sacrifice conducted by the Blood Hammer Church would not kill too many, and many of their operations had been stopped by the Punisher Alliance. At the same time, they would not catch the members from the dynasty’s colonial planet directly. Thus, the dynasty had not found the need to personally intervene and capture them yet.

“I detected traces of them on Enya Hub and was worried that they were going to carry out a blood sacrifice here. As such, I followed them stealthily and wanted to find their base of operation but was discovered halfway. You know what happened next. If not for you two, I would be dead already.” Raymond laughed bitterly.

“I see,” Feidin said. “Then, what is your current plan?”

“Don’t worry, I have already contacted my other partners, and they are rushing over to Enya Hub now. I will continue to pursue the Blood Hammer Church and not allow them to harm ordinary citizens.” Raymond then paused for a moment and added, “But I won’t be a match for them alone…”

“You can approach the military or public security forces stationed here,” Aurora said.

“I will definitely make a report, but I am an ordinary superhero, and they will not allow me to join in their operation. I can’t sit idly by the side without doing anything and will have to do something,” Raymond said with sincerity. “I hope that both of you can help me, and I sincerely invite both of you to join the Punisher Alliance.”

Many superheroes had such a habit. They enjoyed working alone. Furthermore, the other party had obviously taken a fancy to Aurora’s Esper Ability.

“Alright then, allow us to consider the matter.”

Feidin did not reject him immediately. He planned to report the matter to Han Xiao and hear his opinion.

It was not that he enjoyed poking his nose into others’ business. They were in the territory of the dynasty, and they were allies of the dynasty. It would not be good if they ignored such a crime. After all, it was a small matter to the Black Star Army to stop such a crime.

“Punisher Alliance? Blood Hammer Church?”

In the cultivation chamber, Han Xiao opened his eyes and looked at Feidin and Aurora’s long-distance projection with a strange look on his face.

He was originally training his energy and received a message from Feidin and Aurora about this matter.

Han Xiao then searched in his memories of his previous life for these two organizations.

The Punisher Alliance had quite a bit of fame and was a secondary faction, so joining it would not affect the player’s status. There were some players in his previous life who joined the Punisher Alliance to enjoy the feeling of being a superhero. During that period, the Blood Hammer Church had already been destroyed, and the players could only come into contact with the Blood Hammer Church storyline through a Dungeon Crystal.

Han Xiao had played the Blood Hammer Church dungeon before many times as well, and the dungeon had left a deep impression on him. The priests in the dungeon had healing abilities and could also swing their hammers around viciously, capable of both dealing damage and healing health.

In front of the Blood Hammer Church, a priest only capable of healing was like a child.

The Punisher Alliance also had a side storyline. After defeating many evil organizations, they collected plenty of items, and one of them was a relic left behind by a powerful Super. A powerful secondary dimension lifeform was sealed within it.

Many years later, this lifeform broke out from the seal and caused massive damage to the Punisher Alliance.

Han Xiao could clearly remember that the mission to get rid of this boss had two talents as the reward. One increased Psychological Resistance and the other Magical Resistance.

Furthermore, the relic was also valuable. It was able to increase a Psychic’s psychic energy by a large extent.

Upon seeing Feidin’s clueless appearance, Han Xiao had a complicated look in his eyes.

You can truly find gold whenever you leave the house…

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