Second Prince then coughed dryly and could not help but add, “We obtained the championship because of the good teamwork between our team. Everyone was able to do their own job well. This is the result of everyone’s hard work… and definitely not because of the captain’s leadership.”

The host then asked a few more questions before turning to Rivervale.

“Team Rivervale, although all of you didn’t manage to clinch the championship, your contributions can’t be underestimated. Your team kicked out Key during the semi-finals and locked in the championship title for China ahead of the final. I thank you for your contributions on behalf of our audience.”

“We only did something within our capabilities,” Frenzied Sword said humbly.

“Rivervale is a new team but has shown rapid improvement. Your score has been rising over the three seasons, and many people feel that Rivervale is a new super club. What are your thoughts on that?”

Frenzied Sword nodded and said, “I will have to thank our fans for their love. During the semi-finals, countless individuals provided us with strategies and information. We were truly moved by that.”

“In this season, Maple Moon made a large contribution for Rivervale. As the captain, what do you think about her?” the male host asked.

Frenzied Sword thought for a moment before saying solemnly, “The best decision that Rivervale has made to date is signing Maple Moon. She has greatly increased the strength of our team and is an irreplaceable team member.”

After three seasons, Frenzied Sword was no longer a new player in the eyes of the players but a god level player. His status was equivalent to Hao Tian, and Maple Moon had become a core member of Rivervale. Her status was like Second Prince in Dynasty and Sleepy Winter in Long Sky.

The host then continued the interview, and Long Sky was extremely bitter. Although finishing in the top four was not too bad, it was considered a step back for them.

It was finally the turn to interview Temple of God, and the comments section became active.

“How are your feelings as the sacrificial lamb?”

“I thank Temple of God for their contributions. They lit themselves up to shine brightly for others.”

“So, it turns out that I’ve always blamed Li Ge wrongly. You are truly sacrificial and a saint who can endure humiliation.”

“Everyone, cry out together with me, brother Temple of God!”

“Temple of God’s contributions are truly the greatest. If any of the other three teams had been picked to enter Division A, we would have wasted a slot. Temple of God would probably have been eliminated in the first round regardless. If Long Sky had been chosen, they may not have been able to make it into the top eight, and this would be akin to losing two slots… Since Temple of God entered Division A, we sacrificed our lousiest to ensure the smooth victory of the other three teams. Thus, it can be said that Temple of God is truly the biggest contributor to China!”

The teams then chatted about other interesting parts of the competition, and the interviews came to an end. They then started the next topic, which was the prediction for the next version.

“With the increase in Grades of the players, there are more regions being opened up,” the female host said. “We had predicted that the inter-Star Field travel would probably be activated in the next version.”

“There have already been examples of inter-Star Field travel in Version 3.0, and it was related to the Black Star Army and the Shattered Star Ring,” the male host said. “The Black Star Army once provided a channel to cross Star Fields for the players in the Constellation Corridor.

“At the same time, the players of the Shattered Star Ring could also enter the Flickering World Main Storyline Mission. With the scale of the Flickering World mission, it is very likely to be an important event for the players in the Shattered Star Ring during the next version.

“All these signs point to inter-Star Field travel being very likely during the next version. Furthermore, the Black Star Army will probably play an important role for this.”

Galaxy Times had once made such a guess when the players from the Constellation Corridor were allowed to cross Star Fields. They restated their prediction once again.

The presence of the Black Star Army was truly too great in Version 3.0. According to their experience from the previous two versions, the actions of the Black Star Army would usually hint at future development. As such, the actions of the Black Star Army were important evidence for Galaxy Times.

Han Xiao nodded and thought to himself, Because of the Main Storyline Mission, the players can guess that the Flickering World will probably be a big event in the next version. However, no one’s guessed that it will be a world server…

During Version 4.0 in his previous life, the Flickering World had completed their initial exploration phase and had been opened up to the outside world. Many factions began recruiting members to head toward the Flickering World to compete with each other while exploring new regions.

High mobility was a foundation of the galactic civilizations. Mobile residents, resources, finances, and so on were the blood and vessels that connected the various Star Fields. No civilization was a lone island anymore.

As such, a new Star Field would definitely open up to the outside. Furthermore, a new Star Field represented new opportunities for development, which gave some factions hope to gain a territory. As such, many organizations that no longer had a way to advance would migrate to the Flickering World and engage in a competition for territory and resources.

The Crimson Dynasty had the highest authority in the Star Field. They chose to open the Flickering World for two main reasons. First, it was the natural course of development in the current generation, and second, others would share the construction cost.

The amount of resources and manpower required to develop was far greater than exploration. Even if they were a Universal Civilization, it would be an enormous project for them to build up a new Star Field from scratch. Furthermore, there were still two other civilizations eyeing them covetously from the side, trying to seize the opportunity to suppress the dynasty. As such, the dynasty needed to give the job of development to the countless organizations and use methods like tax to digest the benefits of the Flickering World.

The entire universe had their sights set on the Flickering World, and even the tyrannical Crimson Dynasty knew that they did not have the ability to swallow it all by themselves. Greed and poverty were two sides of the same coin, and the outcome of them trying to swallow everything by themselves was extremely clear.

The galactic society believed in free economic trade, and unless there was a need, the Crimson Dynasty would not restrict their allies from competing with each other. Besides, using competition to spur the outside organizations on was also a situation that the dynasty was willing to see.

The dynasty would only hold the most lucrative region in their hands and a portion of the Star Field would be controlled directly by the dynasty. As for the rest, it would be split among important allies of the dynasty like the Black Star Army to protect the Flickering World and ensure that the dynasty had control over the Star Field.

In such a situation, the players would have a large space for them to display their abilities. Even without a mission, the players would definitely compete with each other for sure.

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