There were also different levels within a black market, distinguished by one’s region and business scope. From planetary level to star systems to star fields, slowly increasing in scope until the highest level, which was the galactic black market that practically dominated all other black markets.

And this black market of the highest level knew how to make a fortune, or else they would not have given themselves the name ‘galactic black market’. Those who did not do this might still think it was a term and not an actual organization.

Of course, not all independent black markets followed under the orders of the galactic black market, just like how some hooligans did not know who the kingpin of their underworld was.

The galactic black market was humongous, and its business covered the entire universe. There were always some civilizations that wished to obtain certain restricted technology and would turn to the black market. Thus, everyone turned a blind eye to its actions, which acted as a cover for it. The galactic black market also acted as a communication platform for a huge underworld society.

However, not all criminals existed for the sake of being evil; a large number were only in it for the benefits, so they also required order and credibility, and they required someone to formulate rules for them. Therefore, the administrators of the galactic black market came into being, with representatives from the mercenaries, intelligence organizations, smuggling trades, contraband production, and other gray industries.

The Blood Gold Organization was one of the administrators of the black market, and they were equivalent to one of the tyrants of the underworld.

The Fallen Ark was not an administrator of the black market, as the administrators typically fell on the Lawful Evil side. They also disliked EsGod, who was a Chaotic Evil. While both of them were criminal forces, they did not belong on the same side. After Fallen Ark fell apart, the Blood Gold Organization accepted a large number of criminals and helped them achieve re-employment.

An officer came to the side of the leader, and watching his subordinates carry away the Evolutionary Totems, he could not help but smirk.

“The price of the Evolutionary Totem on the black market is extremely high now. As far as I know, there are many civilizations that are secretly purchasing. How much do you think we can get if we swallow this batch?”

“Don’t even think about it. This is what our employer wants, and our job is to deliver it. To think of swallowing the goods, are you thinking that you’ve lived too long?” The leader shook his head.

After a year and a half of sales, the business of the Evolutionary Totem had basically stabilized. Some civilizations that relied on the Federation of Light as well as the Arcane Church could not have a relationship with the Crimson Dynasty, and so, they could only start moving now.

No one had forgotten Black Star’s battle records a year and a half ago, so the difficulty of stealing from the Black Star Army’s spaceships was too high. As such, they aimed at the other organizations that transported the Evolutionary Totems, focusing on the civilizations that purchased them.

Because this violated Galaxy’s laws, the black market mercenaries represented by the Blood Gold Organization now came in handy. The Evolutionary Totem was near priceless on the black market and always in short supply.

After stealing the Evolutionary Totems from the Rock Sprites, they destroyed the spaceship completely before they left.

In recent months, such scenes had taken place many times in various corners of the universe.

“Another buyer got robbed midway?”

Within his office in the Black Star Army headquarters, Han Xiao closed the player forums, looking at Sylvia’s long-distance projection as he frowned.

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