As she spoke, she started walking toward the main hall. Han Xiao removed his mechanical suit and followed.

After entering Floating Dragon's palace, Ames brought Han Xiao to the back garden, where they sat on the stone benches.

She manipulated her Force Field to pour two glasses of wine on the table. After taking it up to drink a sip, she saw Han Xiao not moving, and the corners of her lips curled up.

"This is the Dragon Bone Wine that was brewed by Aesop using the Void Dragon bones. I rarely take it out to entertain guests."

"To actually use those to brew wine, what a dark recipe," Han Xiao commented. Still, he lifted the glass for a sip. He only felt like a line of fire trailed down his throat, as though he was drinking lava itself. After this, a strong aftertaste surged back up, and he smacked his mouth as he savored the taste.

At this moment, Ames opened her mouth to speak, her tone a little emotional.

"Your strength now has surpassed me, and you only took twenty years... I've basically wasted all that time. Compared to you, I've been stagnant."

"It's not at the level of wasting it. You're just lazy," Han Xiao teased. "However, if you were to actually be hardworking, that would not be you anymore."

"In your heart, am I such a lazy person?" Ames rolled her eyes.

"Are you not?" Han Xiao laughed.

"Huh... I suppose, if I compare myself to you, I really don't have much motivation." Ames shook her head, unable to retort.

The fact that she had lost made her attitude toward Han Xiao have a slight chance. Every Beyond Grade A was clear on the difficulty to improve further, and the rule of the strong was always to respect those stronger than them.

Ames put down her glass, gazing at Han Xiao as she softly said, "To have reached this level in just twenty years, you must have suffered a lot."

Han Xiao paused, suddenly feeling as though this sentence was very familiar.

This phrase... now where did he hear that before[1]?

Suppressing the weird feeling in his heart, Han Xiao dryly coughed. "It was still ok."

"Now that you've already carved out an area for yourself in the universe, what other plans do you have in the future?" Ames changed the topic.

"Continue to develop, accumulate strength."

Hearing this, Ames paused, blinking her eyes rapidly.

"You feel that your ability now is still insufficient?"

"Before reaching the limit, strength will never be enough." Han Xiao shook his head.

"... There's actually something I don't understand."

Ames crossed her legs, holding her chin with one hand as she stared at him, and slowly spoke.

"Around eight to nine years ago, I asked you why you did not stop moving forward, and you said that you did not have the qualifications to do so yet refused to tell me the reason. What exactly are you afraid of? You're a powerful Beyond Grade A Super with great influence and have the Crimson Dynasty as a backer. What could make you so afraid?"

Hearing this, Han Xiao hesitated.

What he was afraid of was the ultimate boss of the later versions, the World Tree Civilization.

Eight to nine years ago, when he was still a Calamity Grade, their statuses had been different, and thus, he did not tell Ames. However, now that their statuses were similar, there was a certain gravitas to his words. Pondering about it, he finally made a decision and opened his mouth.

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