Eugene Garcia

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Hey dears.

Another week, another narrative. Enjoy;)


Eleonore stepped out of the telephone booth, pulling her coat closer to her face. The air was chilly and the night illuminated by a full moon. She moved slowly, with her arms and legs covered in goosebumps. Something was tugging at her thoughts, something she heard or someone she knew perhaps. What is it, think. Why don't you remember, she whispered to herself as she made her way across the street.

The road was deserted and silent, broken only by the cooing of pigeons and the whistle of a kettle going off in some house. Who makes tea at 1 in the morning?, Eleonore said to herself in a low murmur. She felt tipsy, maybe it was a bad idea to finish the second bottle, and also to use this street.

Somewhere low music and voices could be heard but the cold made it hard to notice any of that. She felt like running but her legs barely supported her enough to walk. She had been here before, but during day time when the streets were loitered with bodies and sounds and warmth. It was impossible to think straight, considering the state she was in and also the phone call. It had completely rocked her world, or the part of it she was most attached to.

I need to get inside, somewhere or find a godamn ride home, why didn't I ask Chase to come. Stupid girl. The ramblings went on and on in a low whisper. That's when she reached a square and to her right, she saw people. It was a bar, almost full of men and women. The music was coming from here, a slow piano. It wasn't exceptional but someone was trying their best. Eleonore considered her options, she didn't want to go to a place where alcohol would be a call away. But, she'd surely freeze outside in the cold.

She looked inside again, two men sat together at a table. One, a red haired bearded fellow, he was large and looked strong. Something in his demeanor also made him look friendly, the other one had his back to her but he was much smaller, and blond. A man and a woman sat at a table, holding hands. They looked like a painting, dressed in shades of yellow. Three women sat at another table, the fourth of their group was talking to the bartender, they both were laughing. Another short man was playing the piano. He was hunched over and had his back to her but she could tell the music had taken him someplace else, he was lost in between the notes.

Something about the place, or someone, made her feel calm, almost like a familiar smell had wafted to her nose. She decided to go in, the cold had become almost unbearable. Sluggishly, she moved inside, the air here smelled like wood and sweat, and also alcohol of course. The bartender looked up, gave her a nod as if to indicate she was welcome here. He gestured towards an empty table on the far end of the room.

She didn't look around and went straight ahead. The bartender smiled at her as she came closer. His face looked younger from up close. His hair was long, parted at the middle and covered a good part of his forehead and cheeks. He looked like a decent man, a shy one. The girl who had gotten up from the group also looked her way and smiled, a sweet innocent smile. Eleonore smiled back.

"I'm sorry, I am actually, I, uh....I'm actually pretty drunk. I just,...the cold."

He smiled at her again, showing 2 crooked teeth, or maybe Eleonore had imagined it. He spoke now, in a rough voice but gentle manner. She had not expected him to have such a deep voice. It made him sound older, and gruff.

"Yes ma'am, I understand. It's bitter out there, good you came in. Sit anywhere you like. If there's someone you wish to call, I could help."

He spoke again, almost shyly now, like a little boy. "And I'll tell you a secret, Grace here can vouch for it okay", he gestured to the girl, she smiled, "I actually make pretty good hot chocolate and umm, I make it quite a lot. The room in the back is a sort of kitchen...". He waited for her answer, like an eager schoolboy. Eleonore could not help but admire how kind and comforting he felt.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2021 ⏰

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