ObiKitty- Goodnight

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Obsidian Belongs to Weirdest0Username on deviantart <3

Kitty(Fellsans!lunar) Belongs to me <3

Requested by WU on DA :)

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Kitty was known for being an asshole. Comical, matching the one she replaces so easily... But now she is better, more known and more happy than the original sadist. She blinks applying the final line of underliner and a small shading of red 'eyeshadow' to her sockets. Then, she carefully applies a smooth new collar, re-attaching the bell that her brother's original one had. Then she felt the smooth flat tag.


She smiled softly before looking back and fixing the faux fur on her dress, dragging her hands down to the opening of a 'boob window' where the soft glow of her upper echto could be seen. With a deep breath, she smoothened the tail of her dress and left the room of hers in sanctum. They both had been brought here after alot of things...

And now they have two beautiful children, that she'd forever love. But tonight wasn't about family, tonight was just them... Kitty and Obsidian, Obsidian and Kitty. She looked to the right and got cheerful thumbs up from BB and BlueBerry. She gave a half hearted smile before calming down and walking down the stairs.

Then she frowned, Obsidian couldn't feel... how would he react to her all dressed up for something as small as a date night.. She froze up on the stairs and felt her single eyelight go out. What if this was the night they were done?

"Snap out of this Kitty, you're not fucking five."

She straightens up and continues down the stairs, when seeing the natural flash of monochrome grey sweater, her nervousness upped tenfold. "H-Hey." Obi, her partner, looked at her and smiled. She could never tell if it was genuine or not due to him being stuck emotionless, but this one was truely genuine. "Hey." He walks over, dressed to his usual self with one new addition. A tuxedo tee under his jacket. 

She snickered. "So original and outgoing.~" The female purrs putting her arms over his shoulders and pulling him close. She could feel his warm breath as she was certain he could hers. "I know." He says after a moment of studying. The two brought each other into a kiss, tongues quickly finding each other and soft noises of comfort emerging. "Shall we start..?" Obsidian asks with a calm smile. She nods and takes his hand as they start to walk.

The two wander the gardens as they come to a small blanket out in the field. She smiles and breathes out a sigh of content, just them, the animals, and the sky... And she loved it. She could feel Obsidians' hand slide to wrap around her waist and she giggled. "Testy aren't you?"

"Such a nice dress I kinda want to feel." He smiled back as the two faced each other. Carefully Kitty grasps the hood of Obsidian's sweater and pulling him close, letting their faces meet into another, well deserved kiss.


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