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I stare at a janky mirror, half of it is cracked up and littered with stickers. My hair is drenched, my lipstick is smudged, and my heels are broken. I feel the vibration of the bass coming from the speakers on the other side of the door. I hear a knock and someone yelling for me to hurry. I quickly grab a napkin and wipe the sides of my mouth, getting rid of the lipstick. There was an uncomfortable feeling in my mouth, then I felt these hard small objects start piling in my mouth. I spit it out and my eyes widened, seeing my teeth fall out one by one.

"AHHHHHH" I let that scream out from my soul. I still have goosebumps all over my body but seeing that I am in the comfort of my room calmed me. I take a second to analyze my dream. I did what my grandma would do and searched up " dream about teeth falling". And my heart dropped at the results.

" a common interpretation of having your teeth fall out in a dream can be a deep personal loss."

I tried my absolute best to ignore it, cursing at myself for suddenly becoming superstitious even though I never paid attention to it. I fell asleep quickly much to my surprise, I guess the shock wore me out.

A Week Later...

Stepping in the shower, I let the steam rise and stood under the water, letting the warmness hug my body. I've managed to push the nightmare to the back of my head and I mean, it's been a week and nothing happened.

After finishing my shower, I did my usual routine. I decided for a natural make-up look today and left my hair to dry into its waves. Today was Friday, so I would have to work at the hotel for a few hours before the regular employees came. I went for a casual look;  a white halter top and cream shorts.

" Good Morning!" my dad turned to me and gave me a quick smile as he was on the phone

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" Good Morning!" my dad turned to me and gave me a quick smile as he was on the phone. " I'm not someone who lies, okay? If I say I'll do something, I'll do it... I SAID I'LL TRANSFER THE--" His eyes met mine and he quickly left the room, not wanting me to hear.

I raised an eyebrow at my grandma, who was sitting her cute butt in the recliner. She just shrugged and laughed, also avoiding speaking about the subject. I decided not to push any farther. After checking up on my grandma and kissing her goodbye, I headed to the hotel.

My dad opened up the hotel a few years after I was born. It was the Island's pride and joy, tourists started coming to Bronte and eventually, residents were able to open up their own businesses. There were other hotels but nothing could compare to the view and luxury Margò's gave.

Dad named the hotel after my mother but she left us when I was 6 years old. The hotel had already started to become popular during that time, so we couldn't change the name. If anyone asked me what the Villa was named after, I always said my dad's old snake. Because that's what she was. A snake.

"Astrid, honey! Thank God you're here. Give the guests notice about the storm tomorrow" My aunt speed walks into the lobby and waves at me as she instructed the chauffeur to bring her car. 



" Hawk is flying." The driver picked me up from the apartment. 

"Hawk landed." I'm in front of my office.

These idiots didn't know that I watched them every day through the cameras, preparing for my arrival. They thought I wasn't aware that every morning, 30 minutes before I arrived, instead of getting started on work, they lounged around, wasting the company's electricity, but I knew of course. And that is why they will always remain as discardable employees under me.

"Mr.Astor, you have a meeting with the client from Maine, Mr.Rishab at 9:30." My assistant, Mary, is a 40-something-year-old woman, she's been my assistant from my first day at the office until now.

" Your father requested to meet with you today, so I have cleared your schedule for the entire afternoon." I sighed at the mention of my father and nodded for her to keep walking.

I got into the elevator and pressed the 36th floor, which only helped my office and Mary's. From the corner of my eyes, I see a sneaky bitch abnormally hold her phone at her hip. And then there was a flash. I smirk, just how stupid can one get.

"Give me your phone," I commanded her and sent her a glare.

She hesitantly gave it to me, hands shaking in all. Lo and behold, there was a picture of me, I shook my head and deleted it. I decided to scroll up just in case this bitch was a psycho. And she was. Multiple pictures of me in the office and in my car.

To say the least, she wasn't going to get her lovely phone back, her paycheck, and a new job. My employees knew very well that if they leaked any of my pictures to the press, their lives would be over.

I liked my privacy, people knew the rumors about me and my name of course, but not my face. The paparazzi knew better than to take my pictures.


"Ezra, I spoke to Elijah Calloway this morning. He doesn't have the money yet-" I hated these kinds of people, people who let greed consume them. He should have made do with the money he had instead of borrowing thousands from us.

"It's not my problem, Dad. You're the one who lent him money, deal with it yourself."

"Before the lawyers get involved, I would rather settle this peacefully. Elijah is a great man, there's no doubt. But he's too stubborn to let go of things. "

I nodded my head not really listening anymore. My father was too compassionate towards everyone, which usually ended with him getting screwed over. Like right now.

"I'm going to visit him tomorrow and talk to him. Maybe I'll understand his situation better and talk to the bank to extend the deadline. "

"Dad, you're kidding, right? If you go there, you'll just end up giving in and letting that guy off again."

"Some friendships are too valuable to end, son."

I couldn't let my Dad go and meet with this Elijah dude. From what I've learned through the records, this guy owes my father $800k. Not that we needed the money, but I can't let this guy take advantage of my father.

"Fine, we can visit him. But I'll go. I'll listen to the sap story about how hard he works and how great of a friend you are, then come back and send the lawyers." My dad looked at me, unsure if I was being serious or not.

"Where is his place anyways?"

"Bronte, the Island of Bronte" Where the hell is that? 

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