(12) Camping At The White Mansion

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"Well, of course he is. I mean you're both children of Zeus."

The girl facepalmed. "That's not what I meant. I believe we have the same mother too."

"Really? You mean like twins?"

"Yeah. I had a twin but Beryl said he died. Apparently she lied."

"And that girl Jason carried her picture?"

"That's Thalia. Our elder sister. Also a daughter of Zeus. She run away when we were five."

"Does that mean that Zeus had three children with the same woman even though he wasn't supposed to because of the prophecy. Wow, your family is really messed up." Leo said.

"Of course it is." Layla chuckled. "We are demigods, aren't we? Did you expect anything different?"

"No, to tell you the truth I didn't. Before I went to camp I thought I was a only child. Now I have at least 3 more brothers and twice as many sisters. And I won't even talk about cousins." Layla laughed. It was true. Demigod families were always complicated.

"Oh gods." She said annoyed. "Who made marble floors so cold? People are trying to sleep here."

"Come up here," Leo suggested."There is space for both of us." He was right. It was a pretty big couch. Without hesitation Layla stood up, put her jacket back on and layed next to her friend.

It only took him a few minutes to fall asleep. She wasn't tired so she just stayed up thinking.

After a few hours that passed like seconds she saw the lights turn on as a man with a long white beard stepped into the room. He was wearing a bathrobe and had a toothbrush that fell from his mouth once he saw the four demigods.

"What are you doing here?" She demanded ignoring the fact the he was probably the owner of the house.

"What are you doing here?" He replied.

"I asked first." She said crossing her arms giving him a look. The man rolled his eyes not believing that they were arguing like pre-schoolers about something like that.

"This happens to be my house." He replied in an annoyed tone. His loud voice echoed through the huge hall waking the rest of the teenagers up.

"What's going on?" A half asleep Jason said while rubbing his eyes.

"Son? Lit, come out here, please. There are strange people in the throne room." The guy in the bathrobe called out.

A guy with a bright red t-shirt and curly dark hair walked into the room. His once handsome face was full of deep scars. In his muscular arms he was holding a golden sword and seemed very good at slicing throats with it. Layla didn't recall ever meeting someone named Lit but she was pretty sure she had see this guy's full of scars face before.

Lit took a second to observe them before swinging his sword dangerously close to Jason's arm.

"Hold on!" Piper stepped forward. "This is a misunderstanding! Everything's fine!" Lit looked at her with his sword still raised.

"Hey, we're here to talk. Lower your sword. You almost killed him." Layla said to Lit angrily taking her coin out of her pocket.

"Ehm, Layla, I think they are friendly. We are trespassing their house after all." Jason said.

"Thank you!" Said the old man shooting an annoyed look at Layla. "Now, who are you, and why are you here?"

"Let's put all our weapons down." Piper said in her most persuasive voice. Layla immediately put her coin in her pocket.

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