Chapter 10: Oliver Queen VS. Lana Lang

Start from the beginning

“I thought you were in Amsterdam.” He commented.

“I’m back,” Lana told him. “Is your mom around?”

Clark shook his head. “No, she’s in Topeka.”

“Um, well, I brought by some paperwork for her,” Lana said, gesturing to the folder in her hand. “Should I leave it in the house?”

“That's alright, I'll take it.” Clark said. She handed him the file and he gave her a small smile. “I'll make sure she gets it.”

He glanced at the folder in his hand. “This must be pretty important if you're hand-delivering it yourself.”

“Luthorcorp wants to sponsor the residency of the workers on your neighbor's farm,” Lana explained. “They'll all be given jobs at the planet.”

“You realize the only reason Lex is doing this is to wash his hands of it." Clark pointed out.

“Lex had no idea what was going on on that farm.” Lana said defensively.

Could she be any more naïve? “Lana, you don’t believe that." Clark argued.

“Unlike some people I know, Lex doesn't lie to me." Lana retorted, her voice cold.

“That’s funny,” a voice came from behind them. Clark looked up to see Oliver entering the barn. “Because Lex Luthor and honesty are two words I definitely wouldn’t put in a sentence together.”

“Oliver?” Clark said, surprised.

“Hello, Clark,” Oliver greeted him, “Ms. Lang.”

“Mr. Queen, with all due respect,” Lana said, “You don’t know him.”

“Nor do I want to,” Oliver said, “But with all due respect, I have to say he’s not someone I would trust. If it came down to it, I would definitely trust Clark way more than I would ever trust Lex.”

“You have no right to express your opinion in this case.” Lana told him, clearly annoyed but trying to be polite. “I’ve known Clark and Lex longer than you have. Lex already told me about your encounters in boarding school and I doubt you’d ever have anything nice to say about him. But Lex has always been honest with me. I can’t say the same for Clark.”

Clark felt a stab at his heart at her words. He may not love her anymore but he couldn’t help but be saddened at her icy attitude towards him.

“Ms. Lang, did it ever occur to you that trust is earned?” Oliver asked. “You can't force someone to tell you the truth. If Clark lied to you, then maybe you should look within yourself and find out the reason he feels he can’t trust you.”

Clark was shocked at how Oliver was behaving. He was being perfectly polite, his composure calm but his words were sharp. And like his arrows, they hit their target. Lana was stunned that someone was being so short with her. He was certain she wasn’t used to it.

“Well, we all have our opinions,” Lana said finally. “But you have no right to judge me.” She looked between Clark and Oliver.

“Be sure to give your mom the papers, Clark.” Lana said. She turned back to Oliver. “Good day, Mr. Queen.”

“Good day, Ms. Lang.” Oliver said. Clark watched her leave and turned his attention back to Oliver, who was now grinning.

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