Revenge Served Midair

184 6 180

Map: Airship

Gingka: Red

Madoka: Pink

Kenta: Yellow

Ryuga: White

Tsubasa: Purple

Yu: Orange

Chris: Cyan

Yuki: Black

Masamune: Lime

King: Blue

There are two impostors among us

*King reported Ryuga's body*

*Gingka, Madoka, Kenta, Yu, Chris, Yuki, Masamune, and King are alive. Ryuga and Tsubasa are dead.*

King: What the hell?!

Madoka: Wow, right off the bat.

Kenta: *accusatory* King... Why is Ryuga dead?

King: I'm asking the same thing! He died near me after the lights went off.

Yuki: So it must have been a drive-by.

King: Yeah. If you see anyone right now, they're good.

Gingka: Where is this body?

King: In the vault.

Chris: The vault?

King: Uh... the room with the boxes and the weird mannequin task?

Yu: The what?

Masamune: It's near the top right of the map. It's a big room, perfect for a drive-by kill.

Chris: Do we have any info on marinater two's body?

Yu: Marinater two?

Gingka: I'm guessing he means Tsubasa.

Madoka: I haven't seen him at all this game.

Yuki: Well both Mister Tsubasa and Mister Ryuga died quickly, possibly around the same time since Mister Ryuga just died.

Madoka: Is it possible they died at the same time?

Yu: I mean it feels like both impostors killed the second their cooldowns were up.

Masamune: *giggles* Someone couldn't wait to get their hands on Ryuga.

King: And Tsubasa.

Kenta: Who spawned in the same area as Tsubasa and Ryuga? It's probably one of them.

Yu: Uh... you did Kenchi. You, me, Chrissy, Tsubasa, and Gingky spawned in the... big room with all the boxes.

Masamune: Cargo.

Kenta: Oh yeah...

King: That seems like something you ought to remember, Kenta.

Kenta: I didn't remember seeing Tsubasa! I swear!

Yu: I dunno. Seems a little sus to me.

Gingka: Should we really vote him out just on that though? I mean, we don't even know where Tsubasa's body is.

Chris: Yeah, I didn't see any of you after the lights went off.

Kenta: I didn't even see a report button.

Yu: Someone must've broken off and killed Tsubasa in the dark.

Chris: Considering the circumstances, I'm guessing it was one of you guys.

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