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Map: Mira HQ

Gingka: Red

Kyoya: Dark Green

Benkei: Brown

Kenta: Yellow

Ryuga: White

Hikaru: Cyan

Tsubasa: Purple

Yu: Orange

Yuki: Black

Chris: Dark Blue

There are two impostors among us

*Benkei reported Kyoya's body*

*Gingka, Benkei, Kenta, Ryuga, Hikaru, Yu, Tsubasa, Yuki, and Chris are alive. Kyoya is dead.*

Yuki: Uh... Mister Benkei?

Benkei: It's not a self report! Kyoya and I were walking together in the dark and I saw a report button come up.

Gingka: So it's a drive by kill.

Benkei: It has to be.

Kenta: So if you see someone right now, they're good.

Yu: I'm with Kenchi right now, huddling in the dark like penguins.

Hikaru: He hasn't left you at all this round?

Yu: Nope. Not once. He's been a great bodyguard.

Kenta: Yeah... No problem Yu.

Chris: Wait... Where's this body?

Benkei: Uh... that one hallway connecting the middle and the... Cafeteria!

Hikaru: Isn't there a vent at the end of that hall?

Benkei: There is! I didn't see anyone near Kyoya and I before the lights went out.

Tsubasa: Were you coming out of the cafeteria?

Benkei: We were.

Tsubasa: So yes, it could be a vent kill.

Yuki: Or the killer could've come from the left or the top?

Kenta: We have no way of knowing... Do we?

Yu: Is anyone else grouped right now?

*assorted answers boiling down to 'no'*

Hikaru: So... Kenta and Yu are the only people we can really clear for this kill.

Gingka: I don't think it's Benkei either. He wouldn't kill Kyoya and report the body would he?

Yu: I mean that would be the obvious answer. So...

*Yu votes*

Benkei: WHAT?!

Ryuga: It feels a little too obvious.

Tsubasa: I agree. We should skip and vote when we have more information.

*Tsubasa votes*

*Ryuga votes*

Gingka: Well, guess the killer got away with this one.

*Gingka votes*

Tsubasa: It seems that way.

*Kenta votes*

*Benkei votes*

Yuki: Yeah... good job impostors.

*Yuki votes*

*Hikaru votes*

*Chris votes*

*Eight people voted to skip, one person voted Benkei*

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