Triple Kill

220 9 66

Map: Mira HQ

Gingka: Red

Kyoya: Dark Green

Benkei: Brown

Kenta: Yellow

Ryuga: White

Hikaru: Cyan

Tsubasa: Purple

Yu: Orange

Yuki: Black

Chris: Dark Blue

There are two impostors among us

*Benkei reported Yu's body*

*Kyoya, Benkei, Kenta, Ryuga, Hikaru, Tsubasa, Yuki, and Chris are alive. Yu and Gingka are dead.*

Benkei: Yu's body is in storage.

Hikaru: Is this a double kill?

Kyoya: We only saw one body so probably not.

Kenta: That round was kinda long. It could easily be one impostor killing twice.

Tsubasa: Wait, is that the second time in a row Yu has died first?

Chris: Okay, so this impostor is an asshole.

*Hikaru votes*

Ryuga: *annoyed grunt* Hikaru, you can't just vote for me because the kill was mean.

Hikaru: I can and I did.

Kenta: He's been with me all round. He's clear... for now.

Ryuga: For now?

Kenta: I mean... you could always be marinating me. *chuckles* But it doesn't seem like it right now. I'll know later.

Yuki: Do we have any info on Mister Gingka?

Chris: I haven't seen him all round.

Hikaru: If I had to guess, he probably died when lights went out.

Chris: Do we have any info at all? Kenta and Ryuga were together... I'm guessing Kyoya and Benkei were together too?

Kyoya: Yeah. We found the body together.

Ryuga: You two were together the whole round?

Benkei: We lost each other for a while after the lights went out...

Kyoya: But if it were Benkei, I think he would've just killed me instead of reporting the body.

Chris: *nervous* Unless he's marinating you.

Tsubasa: *chuckles* Someone isn't always being marinated, Chris.

Chris: Could've fooled me.

Kyoya: I don't think Benkei's marinating me.

Hikaru: I was alone when I ended the round. Was anyone else grouped?

*assorted answers boiling down to 'no'*

Kenta: So... we have next to no information.

*Tsubasa votes*

Tsubasa: I'm skipping then.

*Ryuga votes*

Yuki: I feel like this is most likely one impostor killing twice, since Mister Kyoya and Mister Benkei only saw one body.

Ryuga: Or two impostors randomly killing in different places.

Kenta: Yeah, that's possible...

*Yuki votes*

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