Killing Spree

213 7 76

Map: Polus

Masamune: Lime

Toby: Yellow

Zeo: Purple

King: Blue

Gingka: Red

Ryuga: Black

Kenta: Green

Madoka: Pink

Tsubasa: White

Yu: Orange

There are two impostors among us

*Madoka reported Yu's body*

*Masamune, Toby, Zeo, King, Gingka, Ryuga, Kenta, Madoka, and Tsubasa are alive. Yu is dead.*

Zeo: Where?

Madoka: This body is outside.

Tsubasa: Where outside? What's it near?

Madoka: South of storage, kind of in the middle of that open area between the weapons and the big left building.

Ryuga: King and I were in the lights room. King, who was on the stack with you?

King: Um... Okay, I know I saw Kenta and I think Toby and Zeo?

Zeo: Yeah, we were there.

Toby: Mhm.

Tsubasa: I was on the way to lights as the round ended.

King: What direction did you come from?

Tsubasa: The left. I was on cameras.

King: I don't remember seeing you but I'll take your word for it.

Gingka: *chuckling* Wait, Ryuga, I thought you weren't going to fix lights on this map anymore?

Ryuga: I didn't. I stood near the stack to see if a stack kill would happen.

Kenta: I'm surprised there wasn't one to be honest.

Ryuga: Yeah, that's your favourite way to kill me.

Kenta: Oh come on, I did that once.

Ryuga: One time too many.

Kenta: It was an accident!

Ryuga: Gingka, where were you?

Gingka: I was down in specimen... really far from the rest of you apparently.

Tsubasa: And far from the body, if you're telling the truth.

Gingka: Wha- of course I am! Do I sound like I'm lying?!

Ryuga: You sound worked up.

Gingka: *offended noise* Masamune, you've been quiet. Where were you?

Masamune: Oh! I think I ended in O2.

Zeo: You think?

Masamune: I went to get food. I don't even know what you guys are talking about to be honest.

Ryuga: You don't have to play dumb, Masamune. You're already dumb enough.

Masamune: *offended gasp* EXCUSE ME?!

King: *bursts out laughing*

Zeo: It does seem weird to go get food in the middle of a game.

Madoka: King, you and Masamune are in the same house, can you vouch for his story?

King: To be honest, I was focusing on the game and I can't hear anything with these headphones on. *chuckles* So yeah, he could be lying.

Masamune: King! What the heck?!

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