The evening continues on until all of our plates have been cleared, including the dessert that Stefan insisted on and I have to agree that it was delicious. Although, I have no clue what it was or even how to pronounce the name again to order it another time.

Walking out of the restaurant, we all stop next to the street illuminated by a fancy-looking light post as Mia and Josie laugh about something in French to which I didn't understand so I just give a small smile to try to fit in.

"Would you like for me to take you home? We could share a cab." Stefan offers Mia and I become slightly tense at his words.

Knowing that he may touch her inappropriately or could make her feel uncomfortable with his overly flirtatious attitude causes me to be worried for her. It seems as if she has enough going on at home as it is. The last thing she'd need is for some perverted older man trying to fondle her in the back of a taxi cab.

"No, thank you. I actually don't live too far from here and it's a very nice night out. I think I'll take a walk instead," she politely declines with a shake of her head and a grin on her face as she slips on a pink beret that matches her dress.

"Nonsense. A pretty woman like you shouldn't be walking alone this time of night," Josie argues.

My mind races with what I could do to help Mia out. She doesn't know Stefan as well as I do. She hasn't seen the creepy advances I've witnessed day-to-day and Josie either likes it or acts oblivious to it.

"I can walk her home. I'll just catch a cab from there. You and Stefan both live on the same side of town," I look between Josie and the man I'm not too fond of. "It'd be better if you two shared a taxi anyway. Save on the fares."

Nodding her head, Josie slips on her peacoat and ties it around her tiny waist, "You make a valid point. It was lovely having dinner with you, Mia."

"You, too," she smiles back at my boss. "Have a good night, Stefan."

Glancing at me before responding to her, Stefan forces a small smile, "Good night, Mrs. Scott."

We both remain in our spots on the sidewalk as we watch the others climb into the waiting taxi, driving off into the night as the people behind us continue to converse while they go in and out of the restaurant.

Looking up at me, she pulls out the attached gold chain from her purse and slides it over her head, turning her handbag into a crossbody, "You don't really need to take me home. I've walked these streets plenty of times at night."

"And leave me to toss and turn at night worried if you got home safely? I think not." Holding my arm out for her, she chuckles and locks her arm with mine allowing me to start leading the way.

"Uh, Jimin?" She meekly says and my cheeks flush at the sound of my name from such an angelic voice. Looking over to her I raise my eyebrows as I wait for her to continue. "I live in the opposite direction."

My shyness overwhelms me as I drop my head and squeeze my eyes shut, laughing as I slowly turn us around, "You could have told me before I made a fool of myself."

"It was cute watching you pretend to know where you were going," she jokes as we step down onto the pavement to cross the street.

We don't speak for the next block and I take slower than usual steps to accommodate her strides in heels, not wanting her to trip or twist her ankle under my watch. The wind blows every few seconds and the smell of her shampoo lingers in the air around me. Her hand holds onto my arm a bit tighter for extra stability when we step over uneven terrain.

I want to ask her if she's been doing well. If she needs a friend to talk to or if there's anything I could do to help but I bite back the urge and continue to just be in her presence.

Dangerous Desires | PJM 18+Where stories live. Discover now