Gakushū's body moved one its own again. One second they were outside staring at the restaurant and the next they were sitting together a table by the window.

They both ordered a strawberry sundae, and waited in silence for their waitress to serve it to them.

Gakushū looked outside the window, though from his peripheral vision he could see Karma was looking at him. "Take a picture it'll last longer" Gakushū smirked. The red head blushed, having been caught staring.

"Can I though?" Karma asked already taking out his phone. "No" Gakushū glared.

"Too late" Karma smirked and snapped a picture. "Wha--Akabane!" Gakushū tried to snatch Karma's phone but missed. "Delete it! I probably look stupid!"

"You always look stupid" Karma teased. Gakushū's eye twitched and he growled at the red head.

The waitress arrived with their sundaes.

Karma licked his lips eagerly and he took a spoonful to his mouth. Before the spoon could connect to his lips however a hand shot up and grabbed his hair, pulling his face down to the ice cream.

Gakushū laughed at the red head who's face had smashed into the bowl of ice cream. When Karma lifted his head, Gakushū laughed even louder.

Karma licked the side of his cheek, before wiping his face with his hands.

"Who looks stupid now Akabane?" Gakushū taunted.

Karma didn't answer. Merely grabbed Gakushū's sundae and dumped its contents on the strawberry blonde's head, smirking at him.

Gakushū shivered in disgust as the cream slid down his face, to the back of his neck and down to his clothes.

The staff halted and stared at the two full grown men in their twenties, covered in ice cream.

The other customers were also looking at them in bizarre, not sure whether to laugh or be disgusted.

Gakushū growled before wiping his ice cream filled hair with his hands, and then wiped it on Karma's face.

Karma smirked, and then called for their waitress. "I'd like to have a strawberry and chocolate cake please, three of them. Don't worry I can pay" Karma says already showing off his thick wallet.

The waitress nodded, the two men could tell she was trying hard not to smile. The woman disappeared into the kitchen but then came back moments later pushing a trolley full of cakes. All strawberry themed.

Karma and Gakushū looked at each other, and then dove for the trolley.

Gakushū took a cake and threw it at Karma, successfully hitting the red head in the face.

Karma pretended to be in pain, before rolling down and taking a heart shaped pink  cake and threw it at the strawberry blonde man, who quickly ducked and took cover behind a table.

The two continued throwing cakes back and forth at each other, laughing stupidly and maybe even manically. It got to the point where the other customers had ran out of the restaurant not wanting to be caught in the "cross fire"

The staff meanwhile were watching from behind the counter, sobbing to themselves because of the amount of cleaning they will have to do. "Shouldn't we stop them or something?!"

"We don't get paid enough for this shit"

Karma was now backed into a corner, lying on his back he looked up in 'terror' at the grinning strawberry blonde who held the last cake in his hand.

"Any last words Akabane?"

"You don't have to do this" Karma pleaded. "Have mercy!"

"If I was in your position you wouldn't give me mercy you piece of shit!" And with one finale crazed laugh, Gakushū slammed the cake to Karma's chest, who then laid still.

"Victory is mine! I have once again proven that I, Asano Gakushū! Is number one!" Gakushū threw his head back and laughed evilly.

The staff shuddered in fear. For all they know, those two could be escapees from the mentally institution.

It seemed Gakushū's evil laughter was so amusing that Karma joined in, giggling hysterically from the floor and further freaking out the staff.

"Hey Gakushū, our clothes are messed up" Karma said standing up.

"You're right, this just won't do" Gakushū looked down at their ruined outfits. Karma smirked and said "Let's clean ourselves up in the men's room, we're the only customers now right? So we'll be alone in there"

(Author: The staff needs a raise. Don't forget to vote and comment)

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