Hot In Here

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After your meal you and Lando get up and go to the car, as you leave the restaurant there are several people recording you and staring. You grab Lando's hand who's walking infront of you

Y/N: "Lando. People are staring" you say in a nervous voice
L: "I don't blame them" he says in a cheeky tone as he winks at you

You get back to the hotel and both get ready for bed

Y/N: "I'm going for a shower"
You say as you shut the door behind you. The music is so loud as you sing your heart out, you don't notice the door creep open as Lando's head peers round the corner. All the sees is the outline of your figure as the steam covers the glass door.
He casually walks in as your still unaware he's there, he picks up his toothbrush and acts like everything's normal.
L: "god your signings worse than mine"
You jump out your skin as you almost fall to the floor, you turn around to see him standing staring at you as he brush's his teeth.
Y/N: "Mr Norris! Do you ever knock?"
L: "sorry I'll look away"
Y/N: "well I never said that"

 Y/N: "Mr Norris! Do you ever knock?"L: "sorry I'll look away"Y/N: "well I never said that"

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He looks at you like this you open the door slightly to see him. You flick water at him as he quickly moves out the way.
L: "do it again see what happens"
He takes water from the tap and flicks it back at you, you throw water at him again
Y/N: "I'm already wet" you say in a quiet voice as you wink at him. He takes his top off as he fills a glass with cold water, you try and hold the shower door shut but he pulls it and your hands slip. He stands in front on you just out the shower and he raises the glass of cold water and pours it over your head. For a minute your breathless as the water goes down your back. You grab his wrist and pull him towards you, you both laugh as you stand in the shower together.

L: "I told you not to do it again"
Y/N: "I'm not the one with wet shorts though am I?"

He bites his lip as he tries not to laugh, he pushes you back and you feel the chill of the wall against your back. Your now breathing heavily as he pushes himself again you, your foreheads lean on one another as you look at each other, you laugh as you lick your lips just before he presses his against yours.

The next morning

You wake up cold and are confused why until you realise your completely naked. You look to your left and Lando is not there, you get up and put a robe on. Before you check your phone you notice a note left on the table,

Note: "Good morning gorgeous, hope you slept well, I'm down at the track, feel free to come down whenever, I got a lift with John so you could drive my car down, be careful! I trust you.

Lando x"

Beside the note is a pass with your name and picture on it for you to get into the car park and track, along with his keys. You take your time getting ready and eventually leave.

When you get down stairs you feel freaked out that you are driving his car to the track, you say to yourself

Y/N: "the last car I drove was my fiat 500"
As your surprised he would let you drive, you get in the car and take a photo and post it too your instagram with the caption "wtf".

When you get to the track, you are rushed with photographers and fans taking pictures of the car. You show the security your pass and park the car (horribly). You walk in to the paddock and follow the signs for McLaren, when you get to the garage you see Charlotte as she's the only person you recognise.

Y/N: "hey, Charlotte right? I'm not sure where to go, Lando said meet him but I don't know where that is?"
C: "Oh! Your Y/N from Silverstone right?"
You feel awkward as you agree
Y/N: "Um yeh, that's me"
C: "Lando didn't say you were coming! I'll take you to his room, that okay?"
Y/N: "yeh that's perfect"

You follow Charlotte to Lando's room which is empty

C: "I'm sure he'll only be a minute"

Charlotte leaves the room as your left on your own. You sit on your phone as you start to scroll down Instagram, your phone goes nuts as it floods with reactions and DM's about your story.

"Omg did you win the lottery?"
"We haven't caught up in a while"
"What have you been up to"

It's all just old friends who want to rekindle a broken friendship. You ignore them all. Just as your about to put your phone down you get a text from your sister:
A: "Have you seen Twitter?"
Straight away you rush on to Twitter but see nothing out of the ordinary

Y/N: "what about it?"
A: "look up 'Lando Norris'"

You instantly rush back to Twitter and type in "#landonorris".  Your feed floods with pictures of you in Lando's car, you and Lando at dinner and videos of you walking holding hands when you thought you were alone. You panic but you can't help but smile at the same time. You read the captions and you giggle:

"Lando's new girlfriend?"
"The woman who lives my dream"

You burst into laughter as Lando walks in

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2021 ⏰

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