"I'll see you soon, yeh?"

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A few minutes later you hear a knock on the door of the ladies toilets as a scared little voice comes from the hall

L: "hello, I'm a male, I'm coming in"
You start to laugh and Lando hears it
L: "I can hear you giggling! Come out? Please?"
You come out of the cubicle wiping away your tears with toilet roll.
L: "there's no need to get upset about anything" he says as he wraps his arms around you, pressing your head against his chest.
L: "did you think I would care?"
Y/N: "I don't know I just thought that it would make me look pathetic or somethi-"
L: "I would never think that, of anyone but especially not you, it's nothing to be ashamed about. I. don't. care."
You both laugh and you wrap your arms around him.

L: "come on I'll take you home, let me get my stuff"

You get back to your B&B and he asks to give you a lift back to London tomorrow, you sadly turn him down as your going to your parents house in Cambridge.

Y/N: "thank you Lando, these last few days have been a dream come true, I would have never expected this"
L: "thank you for making this one of the best weekends I've ever had"
He places one hand on your cheek and one on your waist, he leans in and kisses you
L: "goodnight Y/N"
Y/N: "goodnight Mr Norris"

As you drift off to sleep you can't stop thinking about the crazy weekend you had, you go onto your phone and check your social media for one of the first times this week, your bombarded by photographs of you and Lando, in his car, in the paddock, in the pit lane, everywhere. You smile at all the photos and go to sleep.

The next morning..
You wake up and pack all your stuff up, your dad comes to pick you up, you give him a huge hug outside the B&B as Lando's car drives past. He slows down the car as you run over to him, he rolls down the window and you lean into the car.

Y/N: "hello stalker, can I help?"
L: "just wanted to make sure you got picked up okay"
Your dad walks over to the car, Lando sees him walking towards the car as he turns it off and jumps out. He gets all nervous as your dad comes over
D: "well nice to meet you Mr Norris, you well?"
Lando reaches out his hand and shakes your dads
L: "I'm great sir, it's lovely to meet you too, your daughter speaks very highly of you"
D: "well I highly doubt that"
They laugh together, your dad walks back and puts your suitcase in his car.
Y/N: "drive safe please"
L: "yeh yeh whatever, it's not like I do it for a living"
Y/N: "you know what I mea-"
He kisses you, trying to shut you up. As he pulls away he wraps his arms around you giving you a huge hug. Your dad looks over in amazement. You don't notice but he slips something into your pocket.
L: "I'll see you, yeh?"
Y/N: "of course"

When you get in the car and set off with your dad, you stare out the window in a day dream, imagining all the memories you've had over this small little weekend, your amazed at the relationships you've made. You can imagine spending the rest of your life living like that and just at that you arrive at home. (Well family home)

You walk in to see your two sisters and mum sitting round the breakfast bar waiting for you.
Mum turns to you: "so... how was your weekend huh?"
They all give you a snooty look, like you've been up to something, a grin appears on your face as you pet out a squeal.

After a whole hour of talking them through your entire weekend a question arises.
A: "so.. did you get his number?!"
Your grin seems to fade as you realise the probability of actually seeing him again is incredibly low. You play it off cool and pretend it was just a weekend fling.
Y/N: "if it happens it happens, who cares"

Later that night your feelings begin to sink in. You liked Lando, you get along with him and you think he likes you too. You message him on Instagram, he follows you, he'll see it!

The message reads:
"Hey! I think I forgot to give you my number or something. Anyway, give me a text back if you need anything"

You felt so pathetic sending that, like your a desperate fan wanting to fall in love with him. You don't care, you send it

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