The British Grand Prix

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It's Thursday the 15th of July and you drive up to Silverstone as your staying near by instead of driving there everyday. You arrive at the hotel and decide to go on a walk.

As you get closer to the racetrack, several fancy cars begin to drive past. First a Ferrari, then an Aston Martin followed by another. You freak out as you instantly start videoing them.
You text your dad.

Y/N: *video image* "guess where I am?"
D: "and didn't even invite me!"
Y/N: "needed to treat myself"
D: "be careful, and I'm not on team McLaren anymore!"

Your dad took your unsuccessful interview harder than you did. He always wanted the best for you just wasn't able to show it.

Y/N: "if A McLaren passes I'll boo at them!"

Just as that, a grey 3.8ltr McLaren V8 Spider dives past and you feel your heart sink, knowing the person inside will never even know who you are. You turn around and begin to walk home.

The next day..

The next morning you wake up bright and early, you have a shower and dress nice, not too fancy but flirty. You are in the paddock after all.

You walk there with the large crowd of people until you get to your entrance, your welcomed into the McLaren paddock box and offered champagne.

* if only I was given this before my interview, would have really seen my true colours*

You think to yourself as you walk towards the terrace. You stand outside taking in the views as you see the McLaren team preparing.

As you look around at the beautiful landscapes you are oblivious to a familiar face looking at you from below. He snaps a picture and walks off. You are unaware of it happening.

End of first practice

As first practice comes to an end you leave the terrace and go for something to eat.
You get a call from your sister Aimee.

A: " Your at the Grand Prix right?"
Y/N: "Yes why?"
A: "and your in the McLaren Paddock right?"
Y/N: "yes why?"
A: "and your wearing that white floral dress you wore at Easter right?"
Y/N: "Yes why is this relevant?"
Y/N: "I'm what?"

You immediately remove the phone from your ear and scramble to find Instagram, you go on Lando Norris' Instagram and click his story.

Your speechless as you see yourself standing on the balcony above wearing your mid length white dress with blue floral details holding your glass of champagne with the caption:

"The views from Silverstone"

You pause as you stare at yourself, wondering what to do, say or feel. You bring the phone to your ear

Y/n: "what the fuck"

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