With his eyes closed, he lowered his head, smiled, and shook his head, without answering my question.

I pressed my whole body to the couch, trying to control my breathing. I'm strong enough to get through this, nothing can break me. I can't believe that out of all places on the Earth I had to be in this club today.

I'm terrified.

''Look at me.'' Cody's voice made me open my eyes. He leaned closer and pressed his leg to mine. Only then I realized that they were shaking nonstop all this time.

''We will face this together, alright?'' Most likely he said it to himself.

Strong pain in my chest made me take in air with my mouth. My brain is running away from me.

I'm in the middle of the ocean in a little boat, first I try to row to the shore, still having the hope of salvation, but far away I see a huge wave. Regardless I'm trying to save myself, trying to find some way to escape. No storm can last forever. But the wave is hitting me, taking all my air away. It is dragging me down, it's dark, cold in here and I can't breathe.

Cody takes my hand and puts it on his chest.

''Hear my heartbeat? Just focus on it.'' Cody breathed.

A seldom heartbeat echoes joined with our hard breathing. It beats in rhythm with mine, creating a tune that should scare everyone but us.

''Take a deep breath.'' When he says it, he looks me in the eyes and takes a breath with me.

As I look at him I have to believe there is more in his eyes... than my own reflection staring back at me. He just has this look of complete worry on his face.

Water begins to collect at the bottom lid of my eyes. I'm not going to cry, no!

''Good, now breathe out.'' His wheezy voice echoed in my head.

The warm touch of his hand on my cheek made my whole body shudder. Trying not to spook me, with his fingers, he wiped out the tears that flowed down my cheeks.

I closed my eyes and realized that the waves had washed me up on the beach. I'm wet, scared but I'm alive.

''You knew that man, didn't you?'' I finally managed, my head is spinning.

He just nodded, showing that I was right.

Am I bringing people like me into my life? When I took a wrong turn and made it all worse? I'm about to have a mental breakdown. I can't do this anymore, I'm leaving. I don't give a damn about the consequences. I'm not ashamed to say that I could get waisted about now, just to forget it all and then fall asleep. As soon as I want to get up and leave, Cody grabs my hand, showing that he's not finished with me yet.

Fuck, fuck, fuck!


I pull my knees together and notice a waitress puts the glasses on the table. I looked at Cody and snorted.

''He's my business partner, but lately, he's been starting to get on my nerves,'' his lips pressed into a thin line, ''Death must be earned and he earned it.'' There was no regret in his voice, only the seriousness of his intention.

Up until this moment, I've had an emotional rage, but not now.

The void filling my soul.

His hands were supposed to be stained with blood, not mine.

"You are not my favorite person today..." I emphasized on the word "not"

''Can't say that about you, you did me a favor, princess.'' He chuckled, there was a hint of amusement in his devilish eyes when he glanced at me.

Even after he confirmed his intent to kill him, the whole thing didn't push me away from him. It's not him I'm afraid of, it's my feeling, that trying to break out. Getting close to this man is the last thing I want.

''How do you cover up a murder?" His jaw clenched when I said it.

''I'm not doing that.'' He looked away when his phone vibrated.

"You're not just trying to be funny now, are you?" I was really concerned about his that.

''People need to find out about this, but no one could find the culprit, trust me.'' With his confidence, he was trying to calm me down.

What kind of sick games are you playing with me? Can I trust a stranger who knows more about me than anyone? He can manipulate or blackmail me very easily, making me do whatever he wants. I'm going to play along, but he's going to regret messing up with me.

''You are no-'' He looked at me and it was enough to shut me up.

Is he going to keep interrupting me?

''My friends are on their way, stay calm and don't say anything about what happened.'' He said as he leaned in, ''Just pretend to be my date.'' I sucked in a deep breath when I felt him pull me closer to him.


Even Fallon can't understand what is going on in here, huh :)

Even Fallon can't understand what is going on in here, huh :)

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