Chapter 9 Shadows from the Past

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"You have no idea who you're dealing with. But you still decided to risk your life for an hour's worth of freedom and put the rest of us in danger as well. If you don't know what we're fighting, you'll do damn well to stay out of our business and do as we say. Otherwise, I'll feed you to the wolves myself. I won't let some stupid college girl get in the way of everything we've been working for!" Michelle swallowed and tried to speak.

"What are you fighting for?!" she asked as strongly as she could, though her voice shook. Payton stared hard with his black-as-coal eyes and Michelle felt like she was under the gaze of fire.

"You know what? I ask myself that question every day. The most pathetic part is, I'm not even sure it's worth it because of people like you." he let go of her hands and walked to the door, unbolted it, and walked out. Michelle fell to her knees, her strength draining. She looked down at her hands and saw they were white. Her breath came out loud and ragged and she felt like she just ran a race.

"Michelle!" Leslie called and came running into the room. Reece glanced at Michelle through the open door and went after Payton. Paige strolled in with her arms folded.

"You got what you deserved – I can't say I disagree with Payton." She said. Leslie knelt down beside Michelle.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" she asked. Michelle looked up at Leslie and then at Paige.

"I'm fine; you don't have to worry about me," she said in a low voice. She got up and pushed past Paige toward the bedroom. Paige watched her go, an unreadable expression in her eyes.

Soriano stared Brook down as a lion would its cub for a fun minute

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Soriano stared Brook down as a lion would its cub for a fun minute. Brook sat on the swivel chair as he was ordered to do, sullen and silent. Finally, Soriano spoke.

"What were you thinking, Brook?"

"I'll take full responsibility." He replied gruffly.

"I don't think she'd let you. She looked ready to take on Payton back there."

"Regardless, she's not to blame here. I said I'd take her out for a ride. It's all on me."

"Would it also be on you if the two of you got caught or killed?" Brook flinched at Soriano's words.

"It won't happen again." He mumbled.

"It better not, seeing that you care about her. You want to protect her, don't you?" Brook raised surprised eyes at him.

"Yes." He said in a low voice. Soriano gave a less intimidating smile.

"Good. And while you're at it, try not to put yourself in danger either. I don't want to lose my boy." He said. Brook swallowed heavily.

"Yes sir."

It was past one in the morning when Michelle got out of bed after hours of sleeplessness. The whole base was quiet; she saw a faint light coming from the control room and went to see who was up. Jett was sitting on a swivel chair in front of a dozen screens, snoring. She quietly shut the door so as not to disturb him. She shivered a little and pulled her knitted cardigan closer as she walked around the base once, watching the string of cars. Finally, she sat on the ground leaning against the wall opposite Brook's car. She wondered how he was holding up and if he was okay. He must have gone to bed ages ago – she hadn't seen him since Soriano dragged him off.

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