Chapter 2

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This is not how it ends, he thought.

These are my creations, I will not be mauled by my own monsters.

This country is at war and more torn than ever, the Grisha must be protected at all cost and so does Alina. She made clear she doesn't need me, but I need to stay alive for her, for the greater cause and the path ahead for Ravka and every living Grisha.

The Volcra on top of him snarled, but before it could sink its claws into his chest, Aleksander hastily brought his hands together in a swift motion. A swirl of dark pushed the creature far enough away so he could scramble to his feet as fast as he could, pain flaring in his side and he stumbled backwards, raising his hands once again and sending the appearing Cut through the murky darkness towards the monster which was about to attack again.

He heard a sickening crunch as it was cut in half but the same second another Volcra lashed out from behind him, its razor sharp claws tearing through his kefta, leaving a long gash on his back. He screamed in pain and surprise, turning around in a swift motion to face his attacker, summoning the Cut at the same time, but he was not fast enough. Sharp claws sliced the skin on his face like knifes, leaving a few deep scratches across his handsome features, black blood now oozing down his chin, dripping onto his kefta. The momentum carried him forward and he fell, landing heavily on his side, the already dark surroundings closing in on the edges of his vision even further. He spit black blood onto the sand, his hair was tousled and the blood loss left him dizzy and feeling as weak as he had never before in his life.

Anger flared within him. He knew he had to act fast.

Whatever the cost...

With his head bowed and his dark hair flopping over his brows, he pushed himself up onto his knees with a groan. He only had seconds to summon something out of nothing which would feed on his waning strength, but it had to be done. As a beacon to the Volcra, he wouldn't last any longer. They would tear him apart.

More creatures circled the darkness above him, ready to attack their prey. The Volcra in front of him opened its mouth wide, sharp fangs visible but he didn't wait for it to spring into action.

With his arms outstretched, he called on merzost, hoping to create something darker and more sinister than this army of monsters, something to help him escape.

He swayed slightly on his knees, but he tried to straighten himself into a powerful stance as black veins crept up from his chest onto his neck, creating a pattern of a thousand delicate branches of the dark magic within him. He tilted his head back, breath hitching in his throat as the sensation of unmeasurable power overcame him. Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see the blurry outlines of several black swirls forming into something huge and human-like, which seemed to become more solid with every second.

Overhead he saw that every single Volcra was airborne and circling above him, but they didn't dare to come near him or the shadow creatures which were standing around him. Their forms were expanding, contracting again, swirling, all pulsating limbs and large, broad backs as they were coming into this world, born from darkness. One Volcra let out a horrible screech and veered to the right, leading the others away from the Darkling, whose last strength was leaving him.

As he was kneeling on the sandy floor in the darkness of his own creation, arms now hanging limply by his side, his heart ached with loneliness, his breath rattled in his chest and every inch of his battered body screamed in pain. And although he had just created a group of fearful mercenaries to do his bidding, he felt utterly defeated.

Blood was dripping from his fingertips onto the floor, his black eyes seemed even larger than usual and his bloodied features even paler.

He swayed as a fresh wave of pain hit him and he let out a small whimper. He didn't dare to look too closely at the shadow monsters around him yet. Their creation had been inevitable. He could not have given up.

A weak cough had more blood running down the corner of his mouth, his lips parted when he drew in a sharp breath and his eyes opened wide before they rolled back and he passed out.

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