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Mina is cishet. She just has extremely "I love guys" energy. Mina skateboards and rollerblades. She got into skateboarding to hang out with Denki. When she's high she likes to watch horror movies. She finds them funny. She gets high and eats a lot. Like she eats all the snacks. Her favorite person to be high around is Sato. Mina grows her hair out when she's an adult. She also models on the side working under Bakugou's parents. She takes all her fashion advice from Bakugou.

She un-ironically got a shirt with pinky on it and now that's what everyone in the group calls her. She's black and she's proud. I'm not taking any arguments on this. She just is. Mina definitely lives by the "treat me like a queen and I'll treat you like a king" mentality. If her boyfriends aren't doing the upmost then she will return the energy. She will also no hesitation sick any of her friends on a guy if he's being an ass to her. They are all on speed dial. Her boyfriend's are threatened.

Mina knows her worth and if you tell her she's anything less she will rock your shit. She doesn't take being treated lowly so the second her boyfriend treats her like she ain't worth shit she calls him out and gives him two more chances and if he keeps fucking up she drops him. She threatens any girl that the guys bring around her. Mina lounges around in sports bras when it's hot out and if anyone in class tries to give her shit about it she will go on a rant.

Mina will talk shit with or without the person in the room. She will also turn around and say whatever she said behind their backs to their faces. She will not talk shit about another girl unless she is directly involved in a situation. If she hears someone talking shit about any of the girls she knows she is quick to shut that shit down. Mina picks up girls left and right. She is all about showing other people that they need to be treated like royalty.

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