Little in the tunnels

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**Carina's POV**

I wake up to a phone beeping incessantly. Please don't let it be mine, wait, i'm not on call.

I slam my hand over on the nightstand until I find my phone. I open my eyes and see that it's not mine.

"Mai, your phone,"

"I'm grabbing it" I hear grumbled

"Crap, it's a nursing home fire. You should get ready too, you're probably gonna get paged."

"There are pregnant women in nursing homes?"

"You'd honestly be surprised."

I get ready while trying to fathom why that many pregnant women would be in nursing homes in the middle of the night. When I'm almost ready I hear my phone beeping.

I look at it and see that yes, apparently there are alot of pregnant people in nursing homes.

When we're ready we kiss goodbye, I tell her to be safe and we go.

4 hours later
It turns out most everyone who was in the nursing home was fine, and exited quickly. Only a few people wanted checkups on their babies since they were already here. There were an incredibly surprising amount of pregnant women there.

I found out they have advice sessions, for all the pregnant people to get advice from people who have already had kids. It was quite sweet, all the women said it was quite helpful.

I walk over to my office and start working on the paperwork that had piled up.


I hear my phone ringing and I see it's Meredith.

"Hey Meredith, what's up?"

"I-I... I don't know when Andy's gonna be done, and I need her."

I could tell that she was slipping.

"Okay, I will see when, but I need you to tell me where you are"

"The tunnels"

I don't know where that is but I know that i'm not gonna get much more out of her.

"Ok, i'm going there. I want you to stay where you are"

I walk down to the ER to catch one of the paramedics

"Hey, do you know if the firefighters are done over there?"

"They still got some work, but it should be done quickly"

"Thank you"

I go over to Dr. Bailey

"Dr. Bailey, do you know where the tunnels are"

After she gives me directions I start off while texting Andy
C- Meredith slipped, everything's good for now, I'm going to find her.

I don't say that she needs Andy but that's a given.

I finally find the tunnels, look around and see Mer under a gurney chewing on her hand looking out with big scared eyes.

"Hey... you ok?"

She startles and looks over at me with watery eyes.

I slowly walk over to the gurney, and crouch down to scoot over.

"hey, everything's going to be fine. I asked a paramedic, and he said that they're almost done over there."

"Mommy coming?" she asks

"Yeah, mommy's coming. I texted her so she knows what's going on."


She still looks pretty scared so I wrap my arm around her.

We wait there until Andy picks her up.

AN: This is a really freakin short chapter, but all of them are. Nothing in my story at all relates to real life, as far as I know, there are not excessive amounts of pregnant people in nursing homes.

Almost 2 days late, sorry

I can try to helpDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora