Chapter 21 - The File

Start from the beginning

He just grabs my hood and drags me over to a secluded spot behind some trees. He looks around to make sure we're alone. I cross my arms, "So are you here to tell me that Levi is planning on killing you again?"

He shakes his head, "No, nothing like that. Technically I'm not supposed to even know this... but on the night Shiganshina fell, noblemen Rod Reiss and his family were praying at their church when a group of bandits broke in and killed his family along with burning down the church. Only Lord Reiss survived."

I furrow my eyebrows, "What motive would bandits have killing the family there instead of their mansion? Unless... it doesn't seem like a coincidence they were attacked on that night."

Erwin tilts his head, "What do you mean?"

"Think about it, that family obviously knows more about humanity's history and the titans, at least according to my third party source," which happens to be me, "So it only makes sense that when two very abnormal titans appeared and broke through the walls someone went to confront Reiss and his family. But I don't understand why it would just be some bandits and what they gain out of killing everyone."

This is bad, this is really bad. Something way larger than humans vs. titans is going on, I just know it. Kenny used to talk about how threats greater than titans lurked outside the walls, that if we found out the truth humanity itself will be doomed. Damn that bastard, he's been hiding all of this from me. He didn't even care to mention the murder of his boss's family when we met.

Erwin shakes his head. "I don't understand either, none of it makes sense. I heard the Military Police aren't conducting an investigation. My old friend Nile Dok is their Commander, and even he isn't being briefed on what happened."

"That's probably because Reiss is doing an internal investigation with his own men. The Internal MP's technically don't report to anyone, however, I'm pretty sure Reiss dictates everything they do." I rub my temples, so much as happened in the past year, my family, the titan attack, and now this. A gut feeling is telling me it's all related, but how?

"So basically they're gonna do what they normally do and take care of things on their own, making whoever was involved 'disappear'?"

I sigh. "Yeah most likely, and what's even worse is that they don't file action reports or anything official like that, so there wont be any record of what happened."

Erwin looks up at the sky. "Everything always has to be difficult when it comes to the government, we'll continue on with this expedition and see if we can find answers. Go let Mike and everyone know we're leaving soon."

"Understood." I salute and trot back over to my squad. Meena and Aris were talking while Chris and Eld walked over to the supply wagons. Levi was in the middle of brushing the jet black mane of his horse Aimilios. After I killed his horse from the last expedition, I let him pick out his own. It didn't take him long, the second he saw the midnight colored horse he immediately chose him. The two work very well together and Aimilios is very attentive to his owner, he rarely got spooked during this expedition so far.

When I asked Levi how he chose that name, he said it was from the hero of a story his mom used to read to him. It was about a man who saved the world by killing the root of all evil with his own bare hands, freeing the world from darkness. 

That night I had a weird dream about titans fighting... but they were different, sort of like the Armored and Colossal titans. Some resembled closely to humans feature-wise, but were covered in muscle, others were smaller and very agile, and one looked closely like an animal. The whole dream felt surreal, almost like I was actually there. Before the fight ended I was pulled out of my sleep and woke up in my room as usual.

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