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PART 2: Exit

(It's 6 am in the morning. CJ wakes up screaming at Ruby to get up)
CJ: Get up! RUBYYYYY GET UP! We got 1 hour to get up before we gotta go!
RUBY: mmmmm... Hold on,Cj. Mmm go wake everybody else up first. I'll be up in a minute.
CJ: Yes ma'am! (CJ Runs to Whitty's room. Inside is Whitty,Agoti and pico)
CJ: Guys!!!
PICO: Yea we know.
AGOTI: Yessir!! I know we're all excited to go to the big Starlight City!I can finally fulfill my dream of being the top rock star
WHITTY: I'll finally be free from Updike and his minions! I can finally be... H-happy!
PICO: I can shoot my uzi at people in the streets if they talk a lot of shit!
CJ: Heh! Glad we all have things to do. Let's go wake everybody up if they ain't up already.

(They go downstairs into the living room and they see that Selever already woke up Tabi and Sunday.)
SELEVER: Cmon Sunday!! Cmon Tabi!Get up get up get up get up get up get up get up get u-
SUNDAY: God would you shut up?! We're already awake so you can can it already!
TABI: Yea Selever chill out. I know we're all happy to go but the others probably aren't up ye-
AGOTI: Yea we're up!
SUNDAY: Ahh I just wanna sleep :(!
WHITTY: Don't worry,Sunday! You'll be able to sleep in the car
(Carol and Hex come from downstairs and head into the living room where everybody else is.)
CAROL: "Yawn"! Sup guys! Ready for the big day?
HEX: Oh you know I'm ready!
TABI: Yea I can't wait!
CJ: It's bout to be so lit! Ruby is still sleeping probably but we gotta wake Ruv and Sarv next.

SUNDAY: I'll go get them. (Sunday opens Ruv's Door where sarv and ruv are sleeping.

SUNDAY:......1...2....3 WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (SUNDAY SCREAMS At the top of her lungs! Sarv hops out of bed and Ruv wakes up like he barely heard anything. It was so loud that it woke up Keith and Lucy in the other room!)
SARV: Sunday wtf!?!
SUNDAY: What? Cmon we gotta get ready.
SARV: Oh yea!! You're right! We gotta get ready for Starlight City
(Sarv and Sunday Pull Ruv outta bed who tried to hide under the covers)

RUV: *Sigh*Im up. Let's get going.
LUCY: Holy! My eardrums hurt! Sunday's Heavymetal screaming is gonna blow out my ears one day!!

KEITH: You said it! Holy shit that was loud. Well we gotta go down stairs anyway because we gotta get going to Starlight City soon!
LUCY: yay I'm so excited!! Let's gooo!

RUBY: Yawwnn! Time to get up I guess. We can finally be free by going to Starlight City!
(All the friends meet up in the living room
With all their luggage and bags. It's 6:30 and they're about to head out the door to leave.
TABI: I guess I'll drive. I'm the only one who really knows how to anyway.
SUNDAY: Mm I'll be sleeping in the car.
SELEVER: Not if I keep waking you up!
SUNDAY: You better not! Or you'll pay.
SARV: Yawwwwn! Sunday you're screams are actually terrifying and loud. I'm still recovering
LUCY: RIGHT?! Her screams are off the charts

SUNDAY:  I try!

RUV: .....
PICO: You look depressed,Ruv. What's up?
RUV: nothin much. You should all know out of our entire group, I'm the one who doesn't show much emotion to anything.
AGOTI: WELL CHANGE THAT! Look I don't give a crap if you wanna act edgy or not! But atleast SMILE!!
RUBY: Aww agoti, you know Ruv isn't gonna smile! Ruv now that I think about it. None of us ever seen you smile before right? Or even cry.
RUV: That's because I never smiled or cried before
WHITTY: tf! Bro that's why ur eyes be dry asf man! Cry.
HEX: I have never cried either but that's because I'm a robot :)!
KEITH: I'm suprised you didn't cry when i whopped your ass In zavodila!
RUV: ...... (Ruv glares at Keith like he's about to hurt him)
Keith: Hey I was just jokin around,heh. Now that I think about it. I beat all of you guys here! All of you! Why is CJ the main character?!? Why ain't it me!
CJ: Dude shut up and stop breaking the 4th wall.
TABI: Alright guys. The big car is ready to get in. Let's hit the road!
SELEVER: Yesss!!!!
CAROL: Like omg! I'm so excited about the malls!
HEX: Oh yea... I forgot.
PICO: I'll sit in the passenger seat next to you Tabi.
TABI: Alright.
CJ: Well im sitting next to Ruby!
AGOTI: Hey! I wanna sit next to Ruby!
RUBY:You can both sit next to me,guys.
HEX: Whitty,Carol and me >:>
SELEVER: You know I'm sitting next to lovely Sunday!
SARV: Then I got Ruv!
LUCY: I got Keith!

(They all get in the car and sit down. Tabi starts the car)
TABI: I wanna hear it. ARE WE READY!
Everybody: YEA!!!!!!
TABI: Then let's hit the road!


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