"They may not attack at all." That was a lie Andromeda didn't even believe in, Lyra saw it on her face.

She nodded her head nonetheless before grabbing the wooden tray and thanking Andromeda.

She sat on the porch stairs and ate while she heard Andromeda yelling at Ted.

When the sun started to set, everyone grew nervous. Lyra sat in the kitchen with Andromeda while Ted stood in the back garden with his wand in his hand. The girls had tea and chatted over unimportant things.

"Molly has been stressing over the wedding. Fleur has many ideas on what to do. She's forgetting it's a last minute ordeal." Andromeda sighed into her mug.

Lyra pretended to be listening. She didn't bring her mug to her lips, knowing she'd be shaking. It's not good to have shaky hands as a healer, she'll have to find a remedy for them.

"Do you think they are alright?" Lyra blurted out.

"I don't know. I don't want to give you false hope." Andromeda frowned. "But George is an excellent dueller."

"Aren't you worried?"

"I'm never not worried, Lyra. Things will only get worse. I just wish Dora wasn't so adamant on fighting. She can be so dimwitted at times." She scoffed.

George could be too, Lyra thought.

"Too head strong."


They heard a motorcycle in the distance growing closer. Andromeda and Lyra locked eyes.

"It's them!" Ted shouted.

The girls got up and ran to the back garden. Lyra looked up to see a bright light and loud sounds drawing closer. It finally dropped onto the yard with a loud crash. On closer inspection, she saw Hagrid was unconscious.

"Get Harry!" Andromeda shouted at Lyra.

The poor boy was pale and shaking. Lyra grabbed his arm and pulled him in the house. His breath was uneven as they sat in the kitchen. She noticed his hand was over his ribcage. She extended her hands and used magic to detect for any internal wounds. Once she was focused, she hands stopped shaking.

"Brackium Emendo," She muttered, she heard her cry out with a yelp, but then seemed to feel better as his hand rubbed over his ribs with no pain.

"Better job than Gilderoy Lockhart," He said weakly.

"That's not hard, unfortunately." Lyra replied with a small grin. "What happened?"

"We were attacked." He said flatly. "They killed Hedwig."

"I'm sorry, Harry." She gave her shoulder a light squeeze. "That's awful."

Lyra fixed Harry's leg and broken front tooth. He was soon we'll enough to go through the portkey Andromeda had been fussing about.

"Thanks, Lyra." He said.

"No problem, happy early birthday by the way."

"Thanks," He replied tightly.

With Hagrid awake and healed, they took the portkey and disappeared.

They re-entered the home and collapsed in their chairs, they'd hear the news soon enough.

Andromeda didn't expect to get a Floo call through the fireplace. Molly Weasley was on the other side.

"Send Lyra! Instantly!" Was all Molly shouted before disappearing.

Lyra was quick to floo there, but was stopped by Remus quickly. His wand extended. Lyra was in the living room and noticed George on the couch, his head covered in blood. She let out a frightful cry that alerted him of her presence. Him and Fred seemed to have made up as he was close by his side.

"What's your Patronus?" Remus asked, stopping her from seeing her boyfriend.

"A fucking butterfly!" Lyra shouted before shoving him out of the way. She collapsed onto her knees. "You idiot!" She cried.

"I can't heal it." Mrs. Weasley said with tears in her eyes.

"That's because it's dark magic." Lyra ran her hand over his head, feeling the darkness. "I can stop the bleeding and heal the hole, but I can't bring his ear back."

"Having one ear is cool, I hear." George piped up, grabbing his girlfriend's hand. "You look so hot, by the way. Are you single?" He teased.

"Shut up," she snipped as she raised her wand. "Vulnera Sanentur," The wound still looked the same but internally would be repaired. Lyra thought up a spell from a book her mother gave her, a book on healing wounds caused by dark magic. "Sana a plaga," the wound healed and stitched together. He didn't have an ear, but to was clean and healed. Lyra ran her hand over the place his ear used to be, dry blood covered it. She used magic to cleanse the area, and show off her handiwork. "What am I going to do with you?" She muttered as she leaned down to give him a gentle kiss.

"Thank you, Healer Malfoy." He winked.

"Thank Merlin you're dating a Malfoy." Fred spoke up, patting George's shoulder.

"Oh! Thank you!" Mrs. Weasley engulfed her into a tight hug. "You are a saint! You did a marvelous job!"

"It's no trouble at all." Lyra struggled to get out.

"I saw your dad, by the way." George said, sitting up, feeling much better.

"George was reckless." Lupin spoke up, crossing his arms bitterly. Whatever he had said, Lupin didn't approve of.

"What did you do?" She asked, looking at her boyfriend.

"Molly might want to leave the room." Remus suggested.

"No, I want to hear what my idiot son had to say!" Molly crossed her arms tightly.

Fred chuckled, clearly he overhead. "Tell 'em Georgie."

"I told him: I fucked your daughter." The adults gasped but Tonks and the younger once chuckled, even Bill Weasley laughed (Lyra just noticed him, holding Fleur close. He was so handsome with those scars down his face; the couple were both so pretty.)

"George Weasley! You should be ashamed of yourself!" Mrs. Weasley shouted.

"Oh, calm down, mum. Lyra and I are saving ourselves for marriage. I have to stay poised."

"Stay virtuous," Fred grinned.

"Lyra has been trying to persuade me, but my morals are strong!" George jested.

Lyra rolled her eyes. "I wish I lost my ears so I don't have to hear you speak."

"You're so loving." He grinned.

When everything settled down, Lyra followed George outside, they sat together while everyone check in on each other.

Moody was dead, and Harry's owl Hedwig.

"You and Fred seem to be on better terms." Lyra pointed out.

"Yeah, I think me being injured brought us closer together." He grinned. "I think me moving out isn't that big of a deal anymore. Thanks to Snape."

"I'm surprised my dad didn't hex you for your comment."

"Oh, he tried. He was so pissed!" He cackled. "But I blocked it."

"I'm so glad you are alright." She kissed his cheek. "I love you."

He grabbed her hand. "I love you too, Harp." He looked into her light eyes. "I'm okay, I'm okay. We'll be okay." He tried to reassure her.

She laid her head on his shoulder, but didn't think it was true. They were at war, nothing is ever okay.

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