Chapter 4 - And So It Begins

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Adora's POV(surprise surprise)

I was currently in Bright Moon, on my flat bed and reflecting back on what happened back at Thaymor.

"I'm sorry, Adora. But the only madness around here is how you chose some people that you've known for 30 minutes over your best friend." Y/n said underneath her breath. I stared at her with disbelief. I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. I watched as they walked away.

Away from me.
(Flashback end)

I wasn't ready to fight them. Not then, at least. But I had no choice. They made their decision. Catra is stubborn and Y/n seemed determined not to leave her behind. Agh, why must those two be so stubborn! They won't listen to reason...

Your POV

Damn. No turning back now. I laid on my bed, wondering if I did the right thing. Uh, really depends on who's point of view you look at. I rubbed my temples, trying to clear my head of this annoying voice. You can't get rid of me, Y/n! I groaned. "Go away. I am not in the mood for this, Hi——." Wow! You're actually uncovering my name! Good for you, Y/n. Just know, I'm here to help. I sighed.

"Y/n." I looked to the right to see Catra. "Yeah? What's up?" I asked. "Shadow Weaver needs us, apparently." I tensed up. "Yeah yeah. Just give me a minute." I touched my left eye. I traced over the scar with my fingers. When it came to Shadow Weaver, I wasn't a fan. I grabbed my baton, pressing the blue button to turn it into a compact stick, and put it in my holster.

When I arrived at the Black Garnet chamber, I took a deep breath and walked in. I saw Catra glance my way and Shadow Weaver narrow her eyes. Or at least that's what I could tell from her mask. okay okay FOCUS. I stood beside Catra, gripping onto my shirt so that my trembling was less noticeable. I'm so weak. Damn. "I'll get to the point." Shadow Weaver said. "Where. Is. Adora?" I rolled my eyes, knowing she'd get pissed off at that.

I did a back bend, narrowly dodging a red lightning bolt. Predictable. I flipped back so that I was standing upright again. "Watch your tone, Lieutenant." Shadow Weaver said. "But I didn't say anything?" I questioned, mentally smirking. I ducked, avoiding another bolt of red lightning.

"I gave you both a simple task. To bring back Adora. But you failed." Shadow Weaver shot. "Yeah, well, if Adora wanted to be back, she would be. Adora is gone." Catra shot back. Shadow Weaver readied her lighting again. I stepped in front of Catra, baring my teeth. "She's right. Adora's a traitor. Suck it up." I growled. Oh, how I wanted to call her Sadhoe Weiner in that moment, but that would be a death wish. Not like I wanted to stay alive.

We sorted out our differences, and by that I mean she ordered us to go after Adora again. What a drag...

I was walking out of the room with Catra when...

"Y/n." I heard Shadow Weaver's voice, and turned my head around. "..Yeah?.."

"You stay here."

a/n yo new chapter. I'm not gonna be posting as often, I'm already dealing with moving, I need school supplies, and pretty soon, hell begins. soooo yeah. expect a bunch of filler chapters

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