.♦. Betraying Him .♦.

Magsimula sa umpisa

"Oh I just entered " I lied , guilt eating me from inside.

His frown deepened as he nodded slowly then headed towards his desk . He placed the file he was holding on the desk before saying " I forgot something I'll be back in a minute" he said before exiting the room again. The door didn't fully close as he left .

I sighed a deep breath as I tried to steady my heartbeat. The file on the desk caught my attention as I read the words on it "latest shipments " and "Top secret".

I looked back and forth between the door and the file before I opened it and scanned through it . After what felt like forever ,but in fact it was only minutes , I finally found my dad's gang shipment that was registered under the name "Skulls Gang Shipment ".

I quickly took a photo of it then closed the file returning it to its original place and distanced myself away from it seconds before Mason returned.

Mason entered his office and headed to his desk . I quickly made an excuse to leave and told him that I'll change his coffee since it must have turned cold by now.

The moment I was out of his office I sighed a breath of relief . The day went on as usual and now I was back home.

The first thing I heard as I entered through the front door was my father's lovely voice. "Did you get it?" He asked .

I hesitated before nodding, then picked up my phone and showed him the picture I took. He smirked like a he had just won a ticket to heaven "For once in your life you did your job like fucking food girl" .

I grimaced at his words before I had the courage to tell him that I won't do such a thing again. And of course he slapped me back handed before saying "I decided when you're done bitch! You had to ruin it didn't you? " He said angrily , his spit hitting my face, eww, before leaving the room.

What an amazing life I have right here.

I retreated back to my room and layed in my bed after I showered and scrubbed his spit off of my face before laying in my bed , exhaustion drowning me but the guilt was deeper and stronger that I had a sleepless night.


I don't know when I finally fell asleep . All I know that suddenly I jerked out of my bed as I felt cold water drenching me from head to toes. I took a long deep breath as my eyes caught the clock on the wall , four am it read, then darted to the dark raging eyes that were glaring at me , promising pain.

"You fucking bitch! I should've knew that you're a lying bitch !" He yelled furiously.

"W-what are you t-talking about" I stuttered, confusion written all over my face.

"Don't act like you don't know what the fuck I'm talking about, you drove us into a trap!" He yelled, kicking my side.

I doubled up in pain " I r-really don't know what y-you're talking about " I cried out .

"You don't know huh? You're telling me that you don't know that the address you sent us too was a semi-empty warehouse with stupid stuff inside it? You didn't know that some men were waiting for us and killed three of us huh? " Hesaid then added while kicking and punching me before adding "You slut! Did you make a deal with your boss? Imma fucking show you what happens when you mess with me "

The Empire King | ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon