Seventeen: He Has Sensitive Ears

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Forget Me

Ch 17: He Has Sensitive Ears

Ty's POV

I yawn and stretch my arms up above my head.

Then I open my eyes.

Immediately, I jump up out of my position on the hard, concrete floor and glance around at my surroundings. Metal bars trap me in this room made of concrete, and there's a key rack past the bars that looks far too familiar.

With a jolt, I realize this is simply a reinforced version of the cages the other "traitors" and I were kept in a while back. This brings entirely unwanted thoughts and memories into my head, but I quickly brush them aside, because I have other things to worry about right now. For example: Why the Nether am I in a cell?

"Seto?" I call, holding onto one of the bars with my right hand. "Jason? Mitch, Jerome?" I continue listing off all the friends that were with me when we suddenly started dropping like flies. No one replies. "...Alesa?

"... Sky?"

No response. Just silence. I sigh.

Then a crash and a flash of light erupt from the cell directly to the left of mine, and I nearly jump out of my skin. "Ack, pain! Why!?" someone shouts.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! I thought you were a squid!"

"What? I do not look even remotely similar to a squid!"

"Yes, you do! Your helmet is blue, and... and squids are... blue..."

"So? That's not enough to warrant you nearly blasting my face off!"

"But you still had the helmet on!"

"That's not-"

My eyes widen. "Jason? Seto?"

"OmiNotch, Ty, is that you?" Jason asks.

"Yeah, it's me!" I confirm, smiling even though he can't see me. "Thank Notch I'm not alone here. I called your names earlier, but no one answered."

"Oh, uh, yeah, we just woke up," Seto says.

"Seto nearly killed me."

"I didn't mean to-!"

"Guys! Geez, cool it," I say, rolling my eyes. "We need to find a way out of here, and your pointless fighting isn't going to get us anywhere."

"Right," Jason says quietly. "Right, you're right. Is there anyone else in your cell?"

"Nope," I reply happily. "I gotz mah own room."

"What? How come I have to share with Mr. Jumpy Wizard here while you get-"

"Hey!" Seto protests. We ignore him.

"I guess I'm just that awesome," I say, shrugging.

Another yawn sounds from behind me, and I freeze in place.

"Uh... Maybe I'm not alone," I whisper, turning slowly.

"Oh," she says, yawning again and sitting up from where she was huddled in the corner. "Hi, Ty."

I internally groan. "Hi, Alesa."

Someone from the cell to the left of mine snickers and whispers, "Oh, the irony..." If he was within my line of site, I would be glaring at him.

"When did you get here?" she asks, stretching her arms above her head. She yawns one more time before standing up and combing her fingers through her hair.

Forget Me (sequel to Remind Me)Where stories live. Discover now