I just keep on looking back on better days

Start from the beginning

"Oh- yes, that would be.. wonderful. Count me in." Jungkook promises, then goes back to his work, not actually paying too much thought to it, but feeling happy that he has been invited.

He has recently ordered two of the past books Taehyung has published to catch up on what he has missed. He wasn't sure if he was ready to read what Taehyung wrote, but it was a step closer to putting an end to his "running away".

For many, it wouldn't be an achievement, but Jungkook was proud of himself.

He also ordered one book with Seokjin's name on it. Seokjin didn't write conventionally, he was writing drama and contemporary poetry, and Jungkook has been intrigued to try one of his most popular works.

Therefore, being invited to his publishing celebration was a great opportunity for Jungkook.


"Yoongi," Jungkook muffles around half a pepper in his mouth, phone between his ear and shoulder, head searching for something in the fridge. "Do you think Taehyung will be there too?" Having no free hand available, Jungkook uses his butt to push the door of the fridge closed, bypassing the kitchen towards the table.

"I probably shouldn't tell you this..." Yoongi replies, tone pensive. "Jimin thinks that Taehyung told Seokjin to invite you."

Yoongi's words make no sense, Jungkook thinks as he struggles to spread some butter on a toasted slice of bread. "Hmm.. or maybe Jin likes me and wants me there?" Jungkook guesses, offering a more viable alternative.

"Yeah, but.. do you think Seokjin.. would willingly invite you to his celebration when he knows that... how do I put it...you might"

"Make Taehyung feel uncomfortable?" Jungkook scrunches his nose, giggling. He is in a good mood today, so he lets Yoongi continue.

"I wanted to put it more politely."

"Taehyung said we should keep a distance, however, he didn't say that we should avoid each other, so I don't think there's a reason for him not wanting me there. We need to get past this.. awkward transition." Jungkook munches on his toast giving some thought to what Yoongi mentioned.

Maybe Seokjin asked Taehyung whether it was okay to invite Jungkook, and Taehyung just said yes. It wasn't that hard to believe.

"We can't put everyone in a weird situation just because of what happened in the past, right?" Jungkook comments, tasting the fresh salad he had just made as well.

"I can agree to that, at least."

"But why would Jimin assume that, though?" Feeling like he can't just let the information go, Jungkook decides to push a bit further, at least try, since Yoongi doesn't always cooperate.

"Hell if I know? He just told me randomly."


"Maybe Taehyung told him something, but we are leaving it at this."

"I appreciate your input." Jungkook comments ironically.

"You are most welcome."


Seokjin's celebration comes rather quickly.

He feels way calmer about the idea of meeting everyone, including Taehyung, compared to the first time.

He quite accepted the fact that he won't be able to get closer to Taehyung, and it's fine with him. After all, Jungkook didn't come back for Taehyung and definitely didn't plan on making Taehyung his best friend.

Sometimes he thinks that Taehyung might assume some things about him that were not true, and Jungkook intends to clarify it at some point. Instead of dwelling on it, he decided to let the time run its course without forcing himself or Taehyung to communicate when they were not ready.

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